[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/eCf0CGr.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/9rGlUIB.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [color=cyan]"I'll always have your back, we just stick together when we get into that arena, we will get out of that arena together and we will stay together forever in Twelve."[/color] Kolton's heart sank at her words. As much as he wanted to play along in that sort of fantasy, he knew it'd never happen. There wasn't a record of two winners in the games in the 173 past years the games had been running. Not one. There was only ever [i]one[/i] winner. [i]One victor.[/i] It would be her, this year. And if by some chance Kolton wasn't able to save her, he felt it was his job to be the one to win it. For her, in her memory. Suddenly Kolton was thinking of the other tributes. Once they got to their rooms, later, Kolton would make it a point to look up who their fellow tributes were. Weed out the competition to see who was a threat and who were easy targets. Potential allies, and known enemies. Districts one and two would definitely be the latter. As they traveled with their stylists, Silver began to talk about what their garb would be for the presentation of the tributes. Where they'd be shown off like they were items in an auction ready to be bought. Which, in a sense, they were. People would bet on their favored tributes with their friends and such, hoping they'd win it big in the end. It took Kolton a minute before he remembered Silver had asked about the potential costume they'd be forced to wear. He'd gotten lost in thought about sponsors and all the things that came with their new positions in this whole game. He chuckled nervously, shrugging his shoulder. [color=#3a6161]"Whatever coal-inspired [i]crap[/i] they're gonna have us wear, I'm pretty sure we're gonna be the stars of the show. I can guarantee we're the most gorgeous people to come out of the districts, wouldn't you say?"[/color] Kolton laughed and looked up to see someone approaching them, leaning a bit closer to Silver to mumble, [color=#3a6161]"I'd assume that's the main stylist..?"/[/color]