She's probably not in the pack yet, if she decides to join - she got her ass handed to her by a werewolf for Christ's sake, it's taken her several months just to recover from the sounds and control herself just enough to re-enter society! That said, I did mention in my CS that Abigail used to be such a social butterfly beforehand; she used to help people out around town, take part in festivals and fairs...she's the sort of person who would sit down with a homeless man and talk to him as well as giving him money/food. Chances are, she either knows you (and you know her) or she's heard of you. I'm hoping people will specify their preferences on that one before I start rping. Polaris, I was actually going to approach you after I'm approved - I wanted to know if Abigail could seek you out for help with her new found abilities. I'm under the impression they know each other from school or something, maybe they were in the same sports team or club or whatever, I'll let you decide, and Abigail drops him a text asking to meet up for some help and we can work it out from there. Would you be interested in doing something like that?