Zelriane changed his pose again, widening his stance and holding his elbows outwards, while bending his hands inwards. His elbows were locked at small degrees, almost taking the posture of a [i]bird.[/i] [color=007236][i]"Takusan"[/i][/color] Zelriane's posture was distorted. As the chains flew towards him, his body flickered to meet them, wary of the surrounding bladed hands, while striking the chain links repeatedly at mach speed. The chain shattered in several places along its length, rupturing along its length as Zelriane's silhouette bounded around them like an army of green monks. He ultimately darted past the circle that entrapped him, and gained on Bruce quickly. His body appeared in front of the chain-launching swordsman with a spinning motion that pushed the dirt around his feet away once again, but he didn't attack. With the last of Bruce's earliest chains destroyed, his feet were frozen for a split second, as if he were waiting for his opponent to make some kind of move. His stance fluttered, like it was about to change. Despite his overwhelming speed and capacity to predict Bruce's movements, Zelriane was taking great care in his approach this time around. Zelriane narrowed his eyes and waited patiently, fishing for a counter.