May I request adding the Foreas to the races list? :) CS done! [hider=Character]Name: Isobel Sex: Female Appearance: [hider][img][/img][/hider] Continent of Birth: Carthian, in one of the forests of Vicelles Race: Foreas Race Summary: The Foreas, called Gwerin as an insult by the Elves, are a race of humanoid plants that live in ancient forests, isolated from all races. They get most of their nourishment from the sun and water and are not usually troubled by the desire for wealth or power, instead seeking to experience life to the fullest. They are thought of as a myth by the more close-minded individuals due to their isolationism and are sometimes hunted and sold in human black markets due to the extraordinarily strong wood that makes up their bones. They can live up to thousands of years when cared for properly, but most die young due to their curious, excitable nature. [hider=some pics][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/hider] Class: Ranger, Beast Master Starter Equipment: Leafy attire, short bow and arrows, stone shiv, small pack containing patches of fur, bandages and some powders for healing. Age: 27 Personality: Athletic, Curious & Energetic Character Traits: Daring, Friendly, Cheerful, Precise, Touchy, Impulsive Strengths: Proficient with a bow, animals love her, smells really nice (like a mix of chocolate and coffee), knows a little bit about a lot of things, agile. Weaknesses: Melee combat, formal situations, anything related to hurting or killing innocent plants. Fears: Fire, caterpillars (especially fuzzy green ones with orange stripes) Brief History: Isobel was planted 29 years ago in a beautiful clearing in one of the many forests of Vicelles. Two years later, she finally left her cocoon and was drawn by the scent of other Foreas to a nearby village. There, she spent most of her life, quickly learning how to hunt for the benefit of the chief and along the way, learning how to deal with animals and become their friend. She was always a friendly one, even when the Chief treated her badly, or the others insulted her for being too trustful of strangers. It was her thing treating others like family, so it came to the point that she'd become the village's face whenever a stranger came by, making sure their stay was comfortable and that they didn't intrude too much into their culture. That is, until she accidentally let a scientist learn too much about them, and she was cast out until she found that scientist and made sure he never spoke to anyone about their secrets. Now, alone out in the world, she faces discrimination on a daily basis but tries her best to remain the cheerful, friendly little plant she's always been. And when humans, elves, dwarves or whatever else don't want to be her friend, she's always got a potential friend in the furry little meatbags called animals.[/hider]