oh nose, our free internet now costs money to access, it's gonna be $100 to access the entirety of discord, and I need to pick a side!!! ^The level of hysteria I've seen today. Seriously. There's another level to go before anything substantial happens (congress, for what diddles it's worth), and then some time before it goes into effect, and then the question of how far ISPs would go before customers get pissed off. While I don't have much faith in customer intelligence as a collective whole, the opinions of the people would have a much more pronounced effect on an ISP than the FCC. The FCC doesn't give a shit, is managed by a dumbass who fails to pose any real cause for himself, and will survive regardless of what you want. An ISP that pisses off customers by charging for Google is an ISP that loses business very quickly, especially if competition/alternative systems pop up that stand in direct contrast to piecemeal internet.