[hider=My Character] Name: Abraham " Bram" Von Konosk Continent of Birth: Carthian, Cambridge Race: Human Class: Artificer, Alchemist Mage School of Foci: None Starter Equipment: [list] [*] Light noble clothes (The picture but with a white shirt) [*] Six Bombs [list] [*] [url=https://i.stack.imgur.com/zKspc.png]2 Explosive Bomb[/url]- This Bomb detonate to harm the target. Very loud to any one who hears it. [*] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bc/8b/62/bc8b621e4e40872f248bc61f35fcc9be.jpg]2x Stun Grenade[/url] : This Bomb lets out a bright light that stuns those who looks directly at the bomb. It is quite loud. [*] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7a/28/63/7a2863a587e2b802f5e641a7e9662c33.jpg]Smoke Bomb[/url]- Designed to knock the person out by breathing in the smoke. It works best if it is next to the target and the target does not expect it. (Not a combat bomb) [/list] [*] 3 Health Potions and three Stamina Potions of his own creation [*] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/33/7d/89/337d89012a215d9492a0e3887c9f0724.jpg]His Family's Signet Ring[/url] Given to him by his grandfather. It shows who he is [*] Advanced Alchemy Kit (Can only use the full kit when resting.) [list] [*][url=https://orig00.deviantart.net/64f5/f/2009/157/f/9/alchemist__s_tome__alt__view_by_zombiearmadillo.jpg]Alchemy Tome[/url] [*] [url= https://i.pinimg.com/474x/66/e6/f5/66e6f5dadd22eafc07c3ecd63ec31d40--the-alchemist-old-stuff.jpg]Alchemical Tools[/url] [*] Alchemical Reagents [/list] [/list] Age:21 Personality: [list] [*] Knowledgeable [*] Helpful [*] Curious [/list] Character Traits: [list] [*] Quick Witted [*] Polite [*] Brave [*] Daring [*] Sheltered [/list] Strengths: [list] [*] Formal Situations [*] Alchemical Knowledge [*] Decent Fighter [*] Intelligent [*] Making Friends [/list] Weaknesses: [list] [*] Knowing about how the common man lives [*] Sheltered from the outside world [*] Haughty at times [*] Flirts with the wrong kind of men [/list] Fears: [list] [*] Failing his family [*] Not being the smartest person in the room [*] Losing his mind like most of his family [/list] Brief History: Abraham Lucius Flammel Von Konosk was born as the second son of a prominent Earl in the city of Cambridge. The product of his father's second marriage, Bram was second to his five year old brother. His family held the title of Earl in charge of Ardent Falls and Warsaw but his father was not Earl at the time of Bram's birth. His grandfather was the Earl at the time though his time was limited. From a young age, Bram showed great promise. He had a quick wit and a fierce intelligence. His half-brother had none of these qualities and was brutish and spoiled. Abraham's Grandfather, the Earl at the time, noticed the boy's skills and doted on him.The old Earl had never cared for his own son since he saw the man as spoiled. The Earl would take his grandson to the Capital with him teaching the boy lessons that he would need should he ever become the Earl. The Earl sent an elf tutor to the boy to teach him courtly graces, languages, manners, and sword fighting. After Abraham nearly blew up the dining room with a bomb of his own making, he was sent a dwarfish tutor to train the boy in the ways of the Alchemist. It was this dwarf who gave Abraham his nickname since his full name was far to long to say at once. Abraham flourished under his tutelage learning everything that he could from his tutors. His father, resentful of the attention he got, locked young Bram in a far off wing of the mansion. Bram used this time to read everything he could. Then, a few months before his thirteenth birthday, his Grandfather grew ill. His entire family swarmed the old man to try and get whatever they could from his death. They expected the old man to call for his son whilst on his death bed. Instead, he called for Bram to come to him. While there, the old man told Bram how he had wanted to name him as the heir to the Earldom but the law was strict in these matters. Instead he gave Bram the family signet ring that announced to the world that he intended his youngest grandson to be his heir regardless of the law. His father was livid at the idea but still inherited the title as was the custom. Bram was willed the family country estate with the staff instead of it going to his father. This drove a wedge in the family with the new Earl sending his son away to the estate to be far from the capital. There, Bram used his freedom to get out from under his father's shadow. Instead of hiding in the country, Bram used this to bring the capital to him. He invited all walks of people to the estate so he could learn from them. Using his small inheritance from his grandfather, he invested the money to make his own money. Whenever he could, Bram would invite the second and third children of the other noble houses to the estate for balls since that was a way to make friends in the same situation as himself. His father would only call on him when he needed something done outside of the area. Bram would often get sent to Ardent Falls when his father did not feel like going himself. Bram still wants to make his grandfather proud and take the family in the direction it needs to be in. That however will require a lot of powerful friends. [hider=An idea but with a shirt of course. I just liked the character look.] [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/5d9a/i/2014/276/3/e/alchemist_bomb_by_zhowee14-d81hocs.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [@Famotill] There's my guy. I might have gone over board with the backstory. I just liked the idea of a up and coming young noble trying to work his way to the top. I read a similar plot in a book once and I liked the idea.