[quote=@shylarah] [@Lovejoy] Inquisitors can stop being Inquisitors?! oooh~ So the highest members of the clerical branch outrank the highest members of the Inquisition. There could still be a Grandmaster, but there also could be a very small number (probably no more than ten, most likely four to sixish?) of top rank members that report directly to whichever person in the clerical branch is officially in charge of all the Inquisitors. It sounds like there's enough High Inquisitors that there does need to be one level with just a few members -- and since Bishop is skill-based and has a special holy purpose, I don't think it fits. [/quote] Yes, the clerical branch has more power than the inquisition. I see them as being seen as "The Voice of Varya" while the inquisition is more "The Sword of Varya". Clerics basically *are* the Church, while inquisitors are the Church's military arm. Okay, how about instead of there being a Grandmaster who is a former high inquisitor we eliminate that rank and have a council of ascended high inquisitors who lead the entire branch instead? This council of four are the only inquisitors besides the Bishop who have some amount of power in the clerical branch, but there's still a lot of overhead they have to deal with when it comes to the High Cardinals and their decision-making. Maybe these can be the Lord Inquisitors? How does that sound? [@vietmyke] [@deathbringer] And yes, Ragnar would also vote for Galahad. If there's to be a 2nd in Command, hmmm... I'm not sure. How about Astraea?