[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjljOWM5Yy5WaUF1VHlBdVNTQXVReUF1UlEsLC4wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/measurements.regular.png[/img][/center] V.O.I.C.E stood on the outside of the ship, gazing into this systems twin suns. Her eyes seemd to be glued to the planets that wete visable aside from the one whose gravity well thwy were leaving. [color=C0C0C0]“Scanning Planet...3% complete”[/color] her internals spoke to her, as she sat and stared at the odd planet with rings next to them. Normally she would scan from the inside of the ship, but this was uncharted space, she wanted to see it for herself. [color=C0C0C0]“Scan at...10%...would you like t-“[/color] suddenly her vision began to flash red, her eyes focusing in on the wave that was being sent towards the ship, [color=C0C0C0]“Pull me in guys, somethin-“[/color] the tether operator not having enough time to even process what she had asked. Once the wave washed over the ship, V.O.I.C.E was thrown back against the ship and had suddenly powered down. [color=C0C0C0]“System reboot...FAILED Emergency Reprogramming Commencing...20%”[/color] As she laid stuck to the ship, her body had began restarting, all the while the ship started diving towards the planet. [color=C0C0C0]“40%...diverting all systems to increase repair...70%”[/color] The bridge called for engineers but it fell on dead ears as V.O.I.C.E was stuck reprogramming the damaged parts of her that were stopping her from rebooting. The ship began to breach the atmosphere, the metal's starting to heat up, as did V.O.I.C.E, the tether crew tried manually reeling her in, pulling her inch by inch against the force of crashing down from the heavens [color=C0C0C0]"100%...Emergency wake up protocol, Alpha Threat... Reboot commenced, wake up in 3...2..."[/color] V.O.I.C.E's eye's popped open her vision screaming red at her to hurry the fuck up. She slowly reached for one of her blades as the ground seemed to be getting closer. She cut the line, making her fly like a ragdoll against the ship, only stopping for a moment when she stabbed into the ship to stop herself. She whipped against the ship repeatedly, holding on for dear life. [color=C0C0C0]"Shell Arm integrity 70%... Probability of survival lowering from 75% to 55%..."[/color] Looking to the side, she saw jail cells flying off of the ship and into the vast jungle. Unhitching her blade from the ship, she was sent flying, calculating there was a 38% chance she would hit a jail-cell...and you bet your ass she liked those odds. Free falling for a second, she suddenly felt metal on her back as she pressed up against a cell that had released. Holding on to random metal pieces protruding from the ship, she held on for impact. Moments later, the cell landed, flipping and tumbling multiple times. V.O.I.C.E instantly went to let go, only to realize that she jumped slightly before a slope. Unable to stop the momentum from taking her, she started down the slope, slipping and tumbling incredibly hard down it. Hitting branches, exotic alien flowers, maybe even what she thought was an animal or too, she came to the bottom, rolling directly into the cell with enough for from hitting her head, it sent her into a safe mode to run diagnostics on the shells condition. Upon waking up, she could hear inmates standing in front of her. "I haven't touched a women...in so long..." one of them licked his lips, advancing towards V.O.I.C.E, starting to take his pants off. Upon going to touch her cloak, V.O.I.C.E grabbed his wrist, crushing it, then pulling him forward, she bolted up to headbutt him in the face, practically crushing his nose into the back of his head. Kicking him square in the chest, he flew back into the other inmate, the inmates dead body pinning the skinner inmate under it. Walking up to them, V.O.I.C.E raised her blade above her, the blade pointing down. "Wa-" stabbing through the dead man, into the pinned inmate, she dragged downward, a incredibly gruesome scene left in the aftermath. Pulling the blade out, the A.I slashed the blade in the air, towards the cell, painting it in the blood that was left on the blade. Standing, she heard another three inmates approaching her position, turning on her cloaking system and running towards the trees. She quickly climbed up a tree high enough to view the inmates coming towards the gory scene. They quickly rushed to the dead men's side, checking to see if they were alive, before looting the bodies. She squatted and observed them, then suddenly she saw movement in the jungle growth that was behind them and closer to the cell. Waiting, she watched as three enormous bug looking beasts (Kakiirath) walked slowly on the edge of the brush. They had a neigh indistinguishable camouflage working for them, coming closer and closer the unsuspecting inmates, until the bugs were directly in front of the inmates, and V.O.I.C.E directly behind them. V.O.I.C.E began running a scan on the bugs, recording them, then suddenly, the bugs launched with a lightning fast speed, all three sprinting towards an individual inmate. The inmates tried to stand their ground, firing at the bugs, to which the bugs dodged without effort, all jumping and landing on top of their targets. It took two seconds for each bug to completely eat the head off of the inmates, not even allowing them to let out a scream. The bugs picked up the each body in their...hands? and sped off into the jungle. V.O.I.C.E stopped scanning and recording and waited, making sure there was no current threat, she had no doubt she could fight the things, she just didn't want to have to deal with it. Looking at the cell, she jumped down and walked over to it, starting to pull metal off and eating it. After a couple minutes of endless eating, she began to run the mini-forge within her. Starting to make parts of a [url=https://orig00.deviantart.net/c701/f/2013/016/6/e/xl_iv_charlemagne_sniper_rifle_by_extendedproject-d5rlnqa.jpg]rifle[/url] she choose as a good choice for distance and medium range conflicts, up close she had handled. Then she used the rest of the metal's to make six 20 7.62 round mags. Putting them in mag holsters on her chest and waist, she quickly assembled the rifle and set her camouflage on, before grabbing the body of the rifle running back into the jungle.