Neil turned his head, the expression on his face somewhat perturbed and annoyed, as if he was being bugged by some unexpected phenomena like spilled milk. However, the unfamiliar silhouette of an object that was approaching that even he could now see with his naked eye was a startling revelation. "Uh, yeah let's see if we can take advantage of this gift from the fricken stars," he replied back on the comm, though whether or not they [i]could[/i] benefit from it, he wasn't sure of. "Antimatter?" He mouthed to himself, and then shrugged before hauling ass back inside to take control of the Highlander. Antimatter was a volatile material from all he'd heard. It would either solve their problem and get them out of this mess, or it would kill them much faster than their current status of 'starving to death in the void.' The next Sayeeda heard of Neil, it was the door to the cockpit sliding open with him stomping through the door with his suit on. He had his helmet off, but that was about it. "Maneuver? We're going to maneuver the hell on out of here." He told his Captain, hopping onto the cockpit's pilot seat. The frumpy suit made an oddly specific gaseous noise when he sat, which had Neil chuckling to further enhance his daring mood. Thankfully, Sayeeda's fears were not realized. It would pass by them judging from the coordinates on the screen. Just barely. "Lonney, redirect the power to the cables. We're only going to have one shot at this." "Yes sir, First Officer Neil Edwards." "Wh-..." Neil turned to Junebug with an accusatory look, his voice somewhat higher pitched. "What did you do to Lonney?" Sayeeda snapped twice in front of his face, placed two fingers to her eyes and then to the display monitor. Neil gave a start as if she'd just woken him up. He turned around and unhooked the cables, opening the firing mechanism and took control of the secondary handles, his thumbs over the 'loose' button. "Ten thousand kilometers before impact," The AI announced, and began to count down from five thousand with mechanical and unerring accuracy. Neil let out a labored breath, his eyes straining as he saw what he perceived as a smooth asteroid enter within range. Just before his thumb hit the button, he spoke up. "By the way this might make us explode." [@Penny]