[img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/93/d1/56/93d15600adb9bf6f9dbdf3ee53c78a1d.jpg[/img] Name: Kara Yotsuka Age: 18 Village: Iga [hider=Weapons Hider] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/7593/f/2011/116/c/5/kunai_png_by_hidan_sama1408-d3exurj.png[/img] She carries two handheld Kunai, both meant for close ranged attacks. This, combined with her Jutsu create a more traditional style of combat. [/hider] Jutsu: Earth Mud Wall. Using this Jutsu as a ramp to increase her speed and/or ability to reach places that would generally be very taxing to get to. She can also use this as a sort of barrier to shield her, and anyone around her for a short period of time. It only covers a small range, and can pose as a hazard for anyone behind it. [@IronWIll]