[hider=Gunpowder Gnome best Gnome] Name: Pepper-Thirdborn-Of-Salwinspark-and-Deatrich-Extraordinary-tinker-fou-What? Just Pepper and my last name? Dammit. Pepper Hiezelvich. Continent of Birth: High Mist Race: Gnome Class: Bard/Rogue/Warrior. She couldn't decide. Starter Equipment: Axe-Musket, powder and shot, as many daggers as she can physically fit on her person, explosives, absolutely zero armour, an oversized cape that can be used as a parachute, explosives, some really snazzy boots, a respectable amount of currency, lute (she's trying to make an axe-musket-lute, but at the moment you have to pick two.) Explosives, various odds and ends that she uses for tinkering, tools, and more explosives. Age: 45 Personality: Character Traits: Flamboyant, excitable, quick-witted. Strengths: Anything to do with explosives, interacting wih crowds. Weaknesses: Fears: Fucking bats. Brief History: [/hider]