I was wondering why the IC was so quiet. Now I feel like an idiot! xD I'm adding my character sheet! [hider=My Hider] Name: Vazheera Shadowsun Continent of Birth: Penault Race: Dark Elf Class: Warrior, with a touch of Rogue as she is quite sneaky! Mage School of Foci: N/A Starter Equipment: Two Swords, a Dagger and her Bow with arrows. A simple alchemy & poisoner kit. Age: 67 Personality: Straightforward & Hot Blooded. Character Traits: Skilled, Confident, Perceptive, Superior, Narrow-Minded. Strengths: Bladesmanship, especially in 1on1 fights, and Stealth. Proficient in most types of fighting, but a master with blades and unarmed fighting. Weakness: Keep her away from any social encounters, especially cross-cultural ones on sensitive issues! Fears: Rats. Brief History: Shortly after her birth, Vazheera; like many of her peers; was gifted by her parents up to the Vaiz Ze Raan, also known as "the Temple of the Bloodied Path", which was a mix between a warrior academy and death cult tasked with raising future generations of warriors for her city. Raised to be a instrument of death for the priesthood, she was taught the art of war along with her sisters by the ancient masters of the temple, eventually becoming a fully-fledged soldier. Since then, most of her existence has revolved around her city, living mostly separated from any other race and culture short of in the form of wars & slaves. It is only recently that she has begun the steps towards gaining a leadership role despite her relative young age, where one of the requirements is that she possess worldly experience, and so therefore she choose to seek sanction to leave her society behind in order to adventure out in the world so as to later return as an eligible candidate for further elevation. [/hider]