[centre] [h2] [color=green]Jerome Winchester.[/color] [/h2] [/centre] [@Blueflame] Jerome's mandibles chattered as he looked at Akagane. [color=green]" Could you not construct the armour over the top of your costume? And what would happen if you had no materials to construct your armour?.. You costume can be for more than just looking pretty, you can give it attributes to make your life easier. For example you could have light armour within your costume for added defence or make it have concealed compartments for storing materials so you could construct your armour and store it safely... These are the things you need to be thinking about when you are designing your costume. That is why my costume has large goggles on it, so that when I am jumping around my eyes are protected from things like dust, when you are travelling at speeds like I do even small specks of dust can be harmful to my eyes..."[/color] With that Jerome nodded to Akagane and took Yusuke's paper, placing it onto his podium and went back to waiting for the last few design costumes. Then one of his antenna twitched and he looked at the door, it was lying open just a little. Jerome closed it with a annoyed sigh he was not concerned about what he'd heard.