Torus, or Torag as he insisted to be his name for the time being, was set to work near Orchid. Nobody else wanted to be anywhere close to the pile of stink the man was making, with the exception of one cultist. This fellow was rather malodorous himself, though he did not appear filthy per say. Anyone with experience with real leatherworking could tell that this man either was a tanner or stayed close to such folk. And here he was, helping Orchid with the gutting and flaying of game. He wasn't much for conversation, apart from a few passing "Watch that intestine" or other task related quips. Torus's task was different from the one of those two though. He was to collect the waste they produced and dispose of it. Parum on the other hand did her best to avoid getting assigned to anything by hopping to the bar counter instead of the work they had been sent here to do. For now her gall seemed to pay off for nobody questioned her about it and she had her moment to look around for anyone who might be of use to her. At first she did not exactly note anybody, not before she noted the one man she was rather sure she would not want to ask. Somebody just outside the mess tent, smoking a pipe and occasionally glaring inside. Standing guard or something more heinous altogether, she could not immediately tell. But this one seemed like somebody she'd rather avoid. Following his gaze led her somewhere though, for the befuddled cultist (whose name happened to be Rebrer) appeared confused and/or desperate enough to perhaps listen to her. Especially with that one man occasionally glaring at him. She might want to look for her chance later, though even if this man on his own might be unable to help, he just might have the connections she needed. All she needed was to figure out a good moment to ask. [@The Harbinger of Ferocity][@Gordian Nought][@Irredeemable][@Lucius Cypher][@Ryonara]