A woman with red hair pulled him away from this training group. He started to ask what was going on but she distracted him with a simple question and answer session as they walked. The woman was truly strange. She showed up grabbed him and walked him through town just talking. how she spoke was very relaxing, and soothing. It was almost as if her voice could cause the clouds to move slower and the world to relax. the town always seemed larger when you were relaxed, but this time it seemed to stretch to the horizon. Her red hair made her even more beautiful to him. How she spoke made her feel like she was more than just a random woman, but possibly a mother to him. She lead him out of town and he started to become confused. Why take him from one training field through the town, through the surrounding area just to take him to another training feild. Then he saw it. The pillar it was beautiful. The design was elegant, but simple. The warmth it gave off was almost the same as the forge in his own home. Family honor and strength. The pole seemed to hold the soul of someone. She then spoke seriously with him. "Yes I accept any dangers that may come." [i]I hope it has to do with that pole.[/i] Shinobi are to accept any danger that may come to them. and be willing to die in the defense of the village. He pulled out his scroll to call his scythe in case he needed it. "What do you want me to do?"