[center][IMG]https://78.media.tumblr.com/98c01191df9bd4ecd710cedf297b5fb3/tumblr_oxzy7330VX1w6599so1_1280.png[/IMG][/center] [hr] [center][color=Magenta][h1]CHAPTER 3: ALL ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU[/h1][/color][/center] [hr] Monokuma theater time! As a self made bear, I tend to look at myself as more of a trend setter than a trend follower. But every once in a while you need to take interest in what the kids are doing. Being an adorable mascot doesn't mean a whole lot if you don't like french fries and fidget spinners. So I've decided to enter the world of shipping. I do think being married to a beautiful wife and having kids removes some of the appeal. It's kind of hard to eagerly wish the characters would come together when you know what comes next. But the kids, they like to fantasize. My favorite ships are actually all canon. Lucas X Mondatta was pretty cute. Shaun X Marianne was good. I like it when the nice guys turn around and turn into a total bad boy. But Quill X Mason was really hot. I'm kinda glad the kids didn't get to see that one. Don't be sad that your dream ship never happened. Victim or executed, they all wind up in the same place... [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/dNTpes5.gif[/img] [@Spriggs27][/center] Rika's bloodied clothes and unhealthy diet were all signs of depression, and things the nanny was easily able to identify. The temptation was to insist on some pancakes, or at least a change in clothes, but it was too early in their relationship to do that. Bliss was confident that if she was able to make Rika change internally, that she would care more about her hygiene and diet. But even this, as small and disheartening as it would have been to most, was enough to make Bliss forget about Shaun for a while. While Rika looked a bit worse for wear, being thanked by a child always put Bliss in high spirits. Even if Rika was old enough to be considered an adult by most, that wasn't really a problem for Bliss. [color=#F08172]“You are quite welcome.“[/color] she said with a smile. [color=#F08172]“I hope you'll try the pancakes too. I'm told they are very good!“[/color] But of course, Rika was already leaving the kitchen. Even if Bliss wanted to pursue, Emily had started talking to her. [color=#F08172]“Bliss Buckly.“[/color] The nanny did her best curtsey while holding onto a plate of pancakes.[color=#F08172]“I've heard a bit about the infinite caretaker, but it's a pleasure to meet someone in a field similar to my own.“[/color] Though the most talked about part of the infinite caretaker was her body. Hopefully Emily wouldn't notice Bliss was having difficulty looking her in the eyes. [color=#F08172]“A-anyway, it may be rude of me to ask this, but I need to cook some more bacon. I wasn't expecting it all to disappear so fast.“[/color] Her smile widened. [color=#F08172]“I'm not sure how hungry everyone is going to be, but I think everyone would appreciate some breakfast. Even if we have to take it to them. What do you think?“[/color] [hr] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/385033360633757696/390291506373853184/monokuma.gif[/img] [@AimeChambers][@Vocab][@barnowldaddy][@Kitsune][/center] [color=magenta]“Hmmm, I think somebody made too many pancakes.”[/color] Killgood's face didn't actually disappear from any of the monitors after the morning announcement. [color=magenta]“As someone who simply can't stand to see food wasted, I'm proud to give you some help, Ms Buckly!”[/color] The bear dawned a bib before continuing. [color=magenta]“Firstly, back by popular demand is Aleecia Marvic. She's all thawed out in the pod room if you want to say hello.”[/color] Elevater 9 started to open. [color=magenta]“So our first new guy is Denis Orlove. He's a russian spy, so be happy we aren't at DEFCON level 2. Not that it's a huge problem as this guy can barely be bothered to make his own bed.”[/color] Elevator 10 opened next. [color=magenta]“Lucy Fairglaive is a learner. She's really good at it I'm told. But the only thing she really has to show for it are some lame card tricks and slight of hand. Maybe our infinite spy and reporter can team up and find out if there's a reason for this. ”[/color] Elevator 12 was the last elevator to open. [color=magenta]“Faith Lambert is a matchmaker. And I don't mean she makes the burning type. She matches people based on their personality. Like if two people said that Faith was an annoying virgin that had no business trying to get people together... she would match them.”[/color] And then all was quiet again.