Pria caught Hensen as best she could, doing enough to make sure they were both standing. She looked at the pods setting off with disdain. Once they were gone she sighed, blowing some hair from her face that came loose in the altercation. "That could have gone better." She pushed Hensen off of her and patted him on the shoulders. "Could have gone worse too." She picked up the gun and her staff, which the two were stupid enough to leave where she dropped them. She collapsed her weapon and slipped it into her pocket, then looked over the gun for a second, before handing it to Hensen. "If you could figure out how exactly that thing works in the next few seconds I'd appreciate it. We're not done with them yet." Without another word she rushed to the console, checking over the damages. Even if they didn't have the pods anymore, they'd have the transports. Whether or not she could rig it for them both to get off of here was the real problem. She began flipping toggles and pressing buttons. She'd never actually used this function on a ship before, but knew the practice in theory. "I'm really sorry this happened. I should have done things differently. I don't think we can save the shuttle." Her cool demeanor was slipping away as she worked at the controls. The panic she felt earlier was stewing in her gut again, and she felt the sweat on her brow. "I'm going to try and get us over to their ship. If we do this right we can take them by surprise, get the ship and take down the one that first stopped us with their own weapons." She looked to Hensen finally willing to meet his eyes. "You're okay right?" She had been meaning to ask, but felt self-conscious about it. She'e be surprised if he wasn't right pissed at her at the moment.