[hider=Notes: For a concerned Reader] Freishann is pronounced more akin to ‘Freis-hann’ than ‘Frei-shann’. [hider=I said I would] “The Freishannese got the freshest knees” “Freishannese are fresher than these" "Freishannese are better than bees" "The Freishanese despise frozen peas" [/hider] [hider=An interview I suppose] [b]Goldeagle[/b] @Lone Wanderer are you aware that the Frieshannese have the freshest knees? [b]Lone Wanderer[/b] Just rumours. [b]Goldeagle[/b] They are also the freshest of these. How do you feel about these allegations? [b]Lone Wanderer[/b] Greatly disturbed. There is nothing fresh about the Frieshan, they are barbarian savages living pathetic lives in the squats that they call homes. [b]Goldeagle[/b] There have been reports that their leader, The Fresh Prince, has called your government "whack," how do you retaliate? [b]Lone Wanderer[/b] With silence. King Alaric will whisper his retort to the Fresh Prince himself before he is exiled to Bel air.[/hider] [/hider] [hider=Nation Sheet W.I.P.][center][h2]High Kingdom of Freishann[/h2][/center] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/319517044364017674/391470142112006144/banner_Freis_two.png[/img][/center] [h3]Government[/h3] Most of Freishann is run by a combination of mayoral dynasts and the clannish nobility, answering to the Monarch, High King or Queen. The cities and their shortly surrounding areas have fallen into mayoral control, reinforced by their control of the merchant marine while the nobility manages the majority of the land and peasant populations through various castles and forts, although not directly, most noble land are actually various holds held by contract to the Noble estate. The Monarchs of Freishann have always had difficulty effectively managing this system however the current Dynasty, House Glynbhasdoich, have maintained their own holdings and expanded their power over the competing groups by the establishment of the Royal Freishann Navy and expansion of the Royal Guards into the Royal Legion. The Modern Dynasty have consistently maintained and expanded their hold slowly turning the feudal realm into a more directly controlled state. [h3]Geography[/h3] There is the Spine of the East in its titular direction, it is a large barrier for organized traffic to and from Freishann over land although they are not completely impassable, the few mountain paths are not something to be traversed easily. The Spine of the East are very tall and actually block most of the rain fall further East, helping establish the great desert that is Khandarai. Further west the terrain smooths out from the mountains into forested hills which make up the majority of the terrain in Freishann, although in the far west as you approach the coast the terrain flattens to a greater degree. Freishann is fairly temperate although temperatures vary with altitude and various dependencies of weather as air fronts can have a large impact on the climate of Freishann. Normally a decent amount of rainfall and the numerous streams and creeks from that are enough to water the land for agriculture, and for the broad forests. [hider=Cities]In the West there are three cities of note, one is the largest city in Freishann, Yfalmond a major port between the other two Western cities Yfalmond is known as a center of trade between Freishann and foreign powers. Another city of note in the West is Galtheas to the North, a minor naval base and while isolated by land it is quite well connected by its strategic position for trade. Finally in the South is the city of Riverlume notable for being on the coast and down river from the Capital of Asyhaven, Riverlume is located near the mouth of the river giving it a strong position in connection with trade going up to the Capital. In the North by the lesser hills is the city of Sysehold, which grew up around a noble hold and was the Capital of most of the Second Dynasty High Kings, it has declined in years as it has little connection to the broader world of trade excepting the river, and even that it is far to transport much. As well there is the city of Thalecliff on the Northern Coast, being the only major port till Galtheas it receives a lot of traffic and is a minor naval base, many due to concerns of piracy and raiding by sea by various groups. The Capital of Asyhaven is an old city, previously it was named for the first High King, Eldaernth Beiphumírt, but its name was changed after its capture by the first High Queen Asyln Glynbhasdoich. Supported by the broad connections of the Rivers as well as the central Highways that unite much of Freishann Asyhaven is prospering, especially due to the number of Royal projects built around it in recent times. Asyhaven does have a much smaller merchant population proportional to the other cities, the smallest outside Sysehold, likely do to the lesser necessity of trade for the city. Most of the Cities of Freishann have large guild and merchant populations often being the source for much of the creations of art and working although many of the river towns and villages provide a small amount in brief shipments to the cities.[/hider] [center][hider=Map W.I.P.][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/319517044364017674/391467343298953216/interiormap1.png[/img][/hider][/center] [h3]Culture[/h3] Frieshann is made of four major cultural groups and three major ethnic groups although variation and minority populations are not unknown. Almost every native inhabitant is Human, except for Vuor and the Vuori drow and the few foreigners. Common threads between these cultures are an honor and devotion virtue culture. Although this varies in how it presents itself. In the East duels, feuds and strong Prophetess worship dominate while in the West mercantile interests and a less fanatically Prophetess worship operate. However overall, what unites the nation as a whole is an intense thread of individualism, from lordlings, wishing independence to the free farmers and holders living as they please, merchants following the money and their desires and the Magi and independent projects. Almost every group and person will follow their desires and needs, the average Freishannese values and seeks self-reliance as a goal. In addition to these groups, there is also the split in the magical population between Witches/Warlocks and the Magi. [hider=Nobility]The Nobility is composed of the various lords, ladies, and semi-tribal leaders. They hold sway primarily in rural areas although some do have sizeable urban populations within their estates. Normally the Nobility is not united as a class, divided normally along religious and cultural lines as well as the numerous political and family feuds. Nobles usually have their own military forces although some are better equipped than others. As well the nobility is forbidden from raising arms against each other, even in duels, this has led to a very status focused mindset that has at time been not in the High Kingdom’s interests, but still far superior to earlier decentralized rule. As part of Royal consolidation in the past where the various levies were loyal to their local Lords in a particularly bad regional drought in exchange for relief and saving their lands the Nobles of that region gave up their obligation to protect their peasants to the crown, effectively transferring the loyalties over time. Although said Nobles were still used as administrators and had the powers of judgment and low law on their lands, power was transferred to the crown. Over the intervening time, the Crown has worked to expand that to every Noble house in the High Kingdom, effectively usurping their power. In the South, this system is the weakest, particularly around the lands that used to be the petty Kingdoms that only barely acknowledged the High King. With their reintegration into the realm proper, this system was expanded, something that many Nobles in the South are still simmering from. [/hider] [hider=Mayoral Dynasts]The Mayoral Dynasts, composed of the various ‘elected’ citizens of the Western towns. Normally the position of leader of the western towns is simply past from Father to Son, occasionally it switches to another line as the wealth shifts. The Mayoral Dynasts usually are fairly separate from the Nobility although some intermarrying does occur for political reasons, the positions of power are kept separate by many involved. The Dynasts control most of Freishann’s merchant marine and the town guards, although those tend to be split among the competing factions of the Burgher families. In smaller towns, there is usually only one powerful family although fractured or mutual control is not unknown. In larger towns and the few cities, multiple families are normally in mutual control of the city, usually in some form of districting and council command. Although this structure leads to some instability, especially when feuds get particularly bad, it does provide a healthy forum for competition, usually. No family ever really gets full power as the Royal government works to keep them divided, usually through taxes to keep one family from ascending too high. [/hider] [hider=Freishann Church]The Freishann Church of the Divine Aspect, or the Freishann Church. In truth, the Church is very powerful in Freishann, although it is strongly limited by three factors. First is the Royal family, although the Royals are limited in what they can do to the Church there is a powerful limitation, a requirement as part of exemption from any taxes based on property or donation, and acknowledgement as the State Religion, the Church is required to use large amounts of their income for ‘morally righteous causes’ feeding the poor, improving roads, building new churches in limited cases, as well as many other various causes or actions. The Second factor is resultant of a matter of the large difference in opinion on the Prophetess in terms of doctrine. As there is a potent minority, primarily in the west, of believers in ‘Serene Argentism’ which while definite still Argentist, has notable influences to various degrees from the Serenist Faith. By Royal decree, these worshippers are not to be ‘unduly’ persecuted, mostly limited to banning public proselytization from that faith although they are allowed temples and other such religious institutions. This was part of a deal to maintain unity in the nation with religious leaders of both sides, the ‘Serene Agrentists’ would acknowledge the head of the Freishann Church as the high religious authority of the land and in exchange, the aforementioned tolerance would be allowed. Notably, this was struck after a series of religious riots by the primarily Orthodox populations in the west. The Third factor is/are the Druids. Although rarely called that anymore by anyone excepting their followers, witches, and warlocks being a far more common term. They primarily hold sway in very rural areas and places where the old faith has remained, they are secretive and used to be the only magically trained group in Freishann, although siding with the last High King of the second Dynasty destroyed that. Primarily the Druids have been able to hide from any witch-hunters or inquisitors with help from the populace, in recent years a grudging tolerance has evolved in which the Church does not acknowledge their existence, giving them their religious grounds in areas which they can remain hidden. Overall doctrinally the Freishann Church is fairly loose compared to the Eastern churches, not to say that individual populations are not as strict, however, the National Church remains a calm aloofness to the smaller disputes allowing for a rough kind of tolerance by condemning those who resort to violence and otherwise remaining neutral. This is strongly influenced by most of the Priesthood coming from Royal institutions and the Royal family being very insistent on unity, often assisting into the priesthood persons who would further Royal control rather than a doctrinal dispute.[/hider] [hider=’Serene Argentists’ and the Freishann Church]Coming soon![/hider] [hider=The Faens]In the east there is the Faens, a clannish group of which a king of theirs founded the High Kingdom of Freishann. Known for being particularly fanatical about the Prophetess often holding little respect for those who have ‘failed’ to see her divine message. They hold even less for those who don’t see the primordials as gods. The Faens are close-knit and distrustful of outsiders, this attitude has ascended to Freishann’s nobility which is mostly descendants of Faens groups that followed the First Dynasty. In addition, the Faens are known to have a particular sense of honor, although this is somewhat different from the Chivalric meaning of the word. An oath will be kept and facing battle is glorious, but so is killing your foes while they’re sleeping, some consider this a more ‘practical’ code. Faens have traditionally been at odds with centralized control, one of the Originations of the High Kingdom was the fact of all the petty Kings that had to be reigned in to establish it in the first place. As well some of the more isolated rural populations have been known to hold on to their old beliefs and while that is tolerated they also tend to be hiding grounds for witches and warlocks.[/hider] [hider=The Amarites]In the south there is the Amarites, a Freishann group closely related to Atharian people, they are descendants of a group of Atharians that were conquered by the First Kings of Freishann. Because of this despite their ethnic closeness to the Atharians their cultural and religious ties have made them very loyal to Freishann over time, even if they do wish for more independence from the crown that has not made them unwilling to accept their duties to it, in most cases. Nobles of the South tend to share Vaen and Atharian ancestry. Amarite Nobles trend more towards mounted warfare then is common among other Freishann Nobility who tend to fight in Elite Infantry units. This has provided Freishann with a decent force of heavy and light cavalry, particularly of use against Eastern incursions.[/hider] [hider=The Dulmaets]In the West there is the Dulmaets, another group that shares historic ties to the High Kingdom, the Dulmaets are ethnically similar to the Faens, however, the historic separation and differing geography have created a strikingly different culture. Whereas the Faens have a relatively strong Honor culture and intense devotion to the Prophetess in all manners Orthodox, the Dulmaets have a countervailing wealth and success culture. Not to mention that most of the half-heretical ideas come from Dulmaetean priests, even if they are devoted in a way, just looser with the Doctrinal necessity. [/hider] [hider=The Vuori]In the Eastern mountains far to the north along the coast where a large number of valleys predominate, are the Vuori. Originally incorporated into Freishann some centuries ago as some tribal drow, the Vuori are now a fully settled and ‘civilized’ people. Most are of predominantly drow bloodlines although mixtures are not uncommon. Especially given the relations with Tsunatontu, most Freishannese are only really familiar with the Vuori. The Vuori call their land Vuor, it occupies an interesting place in Freishannese politics. While they do enjoy many privileges, particularly in governance making the region almost like its own state, they also have very extensive infrastructure, both civilian built to help ‘civilize’ the region, and military. In the civilian sphere various mines and terrace farms, forges and granaries, as well as roads and many other pieces of vital support make a broad support of the Vuori life, most of which was originally constructed in whole or part by the High King’s men and with the High King’s money in centuries past. Even to this day the council which governs Vuor often requests material from the Kingdom to various things that they cannot provide themselves. The military situation is a bit different than the rest of Freishann. A large number of outposts and forts block most passes through the valleys, particularly in the east, most of these were built during the initial unrest period to prevent successful revolt and deter it in the first place. Now most have been handed over to the Vuori militia although the Eastern border forts are a joint Royal and Vuori effort to prevent invasion from Tsunatontu.[/hider] [hider=Witches and Warlocks]Strongly linked to the Druids the terms ‘Witch’ and ‘Warlock’ are used differently by the general population and those aligned to the Druids. While the general populations uses them to apply to any kind of non-Magi magical user the Druids themselves only use it to refer to magical users who have rejected their teachings and are not Magi, striking out on their own. In any case, Druids are often much more secretive and willing to remain hidden tending to populations that believe them correct. Witches and Warlocks in the Druidic meaning are much more prone to be willing to make a stand against what they perceive as a wrong. Which may be healing, supporting populations or attempting to murder the Magi. In any case, they are hunted down, violent or hostile Witches and Warlocks are often slain by Witch-Hunters while others tend to get drawn into the Magi one way or the other.[/hider] [hider=Magi]The Magi are the official magical group of the High Kingdom. Centered on Royal magical institutions the Magi tend to be a very scholarly in their work, although a few go into working as Witch-Hunters or assisting the army. Because of this scholarly bent, the Magi are often found in Collegiums for magical use, usually conducting experiments or research into magical fields, some of which has been more successful than others. This has meant however that the Magi are significantly less combat prepared than many mages from other nations. The Primary Collegium can be found near the Capital, often a very prestigious position to be allowed to operate from there, and an influential one. The structure of the Magi is generally very loose however there are some observances. Officially Magi are only those students of the magical arts who have been initiated by ceremony, with the title of ‘Magus’ being awarded then. Additional titles are sometimes awarded by the Grand Magus or the High King for exceptional achievement or ability, the Grand Magus being the head of all Collegiums appointed by the High King. Students who are not yet initiated are presented with the titles of Magus First, Second or Third being used in ascending order of skill and power. Many never become full Magus and remain in the enumerated class.[/hider] [h3]Military[/h3] [hider=Overview]The vast majority of the forces of Freishann are a kind of medium infantry. Most are equipped with lighter armors and trained for mobility and surefootedness both in the rough terrain of Freishann but also on ships given their vital importance. This trade-off means that Freishann cannot match the heavy infantry of other nations with the majority of its troops however it has a very large degree of mobility, particularly in coordination with the naval forces. There are heavy infantry and cavalry forces present in Freishann but they are mostly limited to Noble or Royal creates for that purpose and not the general mold. Particularly the Nobles are known for their elite infantry and light cavalry focus, particularly in control and dominance of their more spread lands, while the Royalty has the Royal Legion who are heavy infantry used to great effect. The forces of the Mayoral Dynasts and the broader forces of the Nobles make up the large portion of Medium Infantry in Freishann armies, a ranged component is generally present although it varies by leader how much of their forces they make up. The general population is actually fairly well armed in some areas, notably the borders, which means that some nobles have to be more careful than others. Freishann focuses primarily on land warfare, using naval forces and dominance to give mobility and turning naval battles into land battles are what they pride themselves with. This has developed into a portion of the Royal Legion being dedicated marines, trained and equipped to be an elite group within the Legion itself. [/hider] [hider=Military Specifics]Coming soon! [hider=Freishannese Royal Legion] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/319517044364017674/439644084311818241/RoyalLegionHighRes.jpg[/img] The Royal Legion of Freishann is effectively a small standing army, comprised almost entirely of Field units as garrison would eat up most of their numbers, however they are very well trained. Essentially a fairly heavily armored force of pikemen, heavily disciplined and trained in addition to their equipment they are the shock troops of Freishann. Primarily organized into squares of a hundred men the Legion focuses on mobility and aggressive action in battle relying upon their weapons, armor and tactics to defeat their enemies quickly and in complete. Primarily the Legion will focus on using these squares to achieve local superiority and punch through an enemy line and continue until routing their in force in which the small amount of Freishannese cavalry, primarily of the light variety, can chase. In addition to being heavily trained to be prepared to be assaulted from different directions, particularly stop[ping and displaying pikes in any offending directions, or rapidly changing the facing, much easier than other pike formations due to the square rather than rectangular nature of their formation. In addition to their pikes the Legionnaires are equipped with with a sword, and trained in proper use sufficient for the battlefield, helmets, cuirass and jacket. This is somewhat expensive however off set to a degree due to the large amount of sons and daughters of Nobles in the Legion as well as the children of wealthy merchants and merchant lords. [/hider] [hider=Vuori Militia]The Vuori Militia is an all volunteer, paid local force from the Vuor semi-autonomy, particularly it is almost all a garrison force although they are well trained as they stand against Vuori nobles, Tsunatontu raiders or other forces against the Council. The Militia is the only year round trained military force of great importance in Freishann besides the Legion and any retinues of nobles or the like. The Vuori militia is primarily made up of drow or drow-humans straight humans are relatively rare but they appear in the ranks occasionally. Additionally there is no central command of the Militia except for a temporary position chosen by the council, this has been vacant for a while. Most of the militia is funded by the Vuori themselves although the Royal government does supply some funds, although that is mostly for the fortifications. Most of the Militia have to buy their own equipment although this is normally sold to them by affiliated blacksmiths or loaned from the armories of the Militia from old equipment. Spears are very common for new recruits although many who stay for years pick up many other weapons as well, swords are reserved for officers. A small cavalry force makes up most of the Militia field trained forces, although against any determined invader they can do little but raid and scout due to their numbers, their locality does give them some advantages on that front. [/hider] [hider=Levies of Freishann]The Levies of Freishann are rather diverse in particular. As standard there are a large amount of of spear and polearm armed troops, although the latter are rarer and generally more skilled, usually formatted into schiltrons. Aside from this however a large amount of the populace takes some form of archery as their commitment to arms, warbows are somewhat more common in Freishann that otherwise although the majority do not maintain the complete ability to use full warbows meaning that they may be less effective than a dedicated archery force simply due to the physical requirements of warbows as most would be much more accustomed to the less strenuous hunting bows. In various regions equipment differs slightly, the west and east tend to have better armor at their easy disposal although for differing reasons but the central lands and the south tend more heavy to archery due to the greater amount of accessible wilderness to most of the general population. [/hider] [hider=Noble retinues of Freishann]Coming soon![/hider] [/hider] [hider=Magi]Coming soon![/hider] [hider=Royal Freishann Navy]Coming soon![/hider] [h3]Heroes[/h3] [hider=Honorable Magus Laoithr Ghúmard]Powerful magic user and friend of the Prince, Laoithr is an ambitious Magus noted for his unusual power, likely do to his heritage as a descendant of two powerful Freishannese Magus lines. He was born with a limp that has been strangely resistant to any attempts at healing. He is not particularly liked by most of the other Magus due to his meteoric rise, something many attribute to Royal connections. More Coming soon![/hider] [hider=Prince Paimeiros Belzaren Miavaoilir Glynbhasdoich]Only male offspring of the High King and Queen, Belzaren is the Crown prince and a weak magus, holding the title of Magus Second with little hope of increasing in rank. As well he is a friend to the Honorable magus Laoithr, Belzaren being a few years younger than the more accomplished Magus. More Coming soon![/hider] [hider=Countess Mellasula Balmaris of Sliagie]Powerful countess in the East, lands hold down and supply a fort that guards a pass through the mountain to the broader territories of Fresihann. Known for intense hatred of the Khandarai, capable leader and rallying point for Eastern leaders. More Coming soon![/hider] [hider=Marsdana ‘Bhullaer’]Daughter of a reviled Warlock, Marsdana is a Witch in the general sense but is still in Druidic care. She believes in the old faith although she is determined to do some good in the world, wants to make up for sins of the father. Assisted greatly by Druidic groups and covens throughout Freishann. More Coming soon![/hider] [h3]History[/h3] [hider=History beyond Recent]The High Kingdom was founded around 50 EoH when the King of the Faens, Eldaernth Beiphumírt, gathered his armies and swept west seizing control of what would become Freishann. His descendants would found the High Kingdom and the feudal system which for most of its history defined it. It was then that the second High King conquered the Amarites and established ‘relations’, mostly hostile to the Atharian Kingdom. The First Dynasty was named by historical record as while they were all of the same family, at the time clan names and ties predominated which at the time caused a sense of a shift in the Royal Family. The First Dynasty had a trend of exhausting most of its members in constant wars, the last High King of the First Dynasty died with his three sons and brother on a campaign a mere 50 years after the First High King. The resultant power vacuum was seized by a Merchant lord who had managed to consolidate the Western trading ports, that would later become cities, and became the next High King, marrying the daughter of the Last one to cement his claim, especially in the East and South. This Second dynasty would promote the growth of cities and attempt to maintain control over the broader borders of the High Kingdom but largely failed in this second task. Nearing the end of the Dynasty attempts were made to regulate trade and distance the Royal Family from Western mercantile interests. This backfired spectacularly in a standoff between Royal Forces and Western Forces in a civil war, most of the Nobles remaining as neutral as possible given the Dynasty’s previous uncaring stance on their issues. Missionaries of Argentism came during this time taking advantage of the chaos to avoid the rather strict Ban on foreign religion proselytization and made their way East and eventually South. While discount was brewing, both from the ongoing civil war and religious upheaval a Noble from the South revolted declared herself High Queen and a worshipper of the Prophetess, the ‘Aspect of Divine Will’, and marched to the east calling upon believers and faithful to the crown to support her. This largely succeeded attracting an army and taking the city of Eldaeburg, renaming it Asyhaven, after herself. She ends up sweeping the rest of Freishann, some account it mostly due to the exhaustion of her enemies by the previous years of civil war, that does not stop her and many Freishannese believers from attributing it to the Prophetess’ Blessing. This Establishes Argentism as the religion of Freishann, driving the previous old faith of the Druids underground and into the far rural areas. Freishann became an Argentist nation around eighty years after the rise of the Prophetess.[/hider] The Third Dynasty, the current one, has established many Royal institutions in Freishann, from expanding the Royal Guards into a small Standing army, the Royal Legion, to the Collegiums for magic and learning throughout Freishann, and the establishment and expansion of the Royal Freishann Navy. In the past few decades, Naval expansion has gone by at an incredible rate, seemingly as though the increased conflicts with the Kingdom of Atharia has spurned the Royal Family into action to protect the Freishannese merchant marine. Despite the many border wars with Atharia and the raids and counter-raids against the Khandarai, or perhaps because of those conflicts Freishann has been seeking to become increasingly less insular in the recent years. More attribute this to the influence of Magus Káhesh Carmyar, also High Queen of Freishann, who studied as a scholar before marrying the Crown Prince, some eloping may have been involved. [h3]Relations[/h3] A minor enemy but more of a rival is the Kingdom of Atharia, control over the temperate regions west of the Spine of the East have always been contested often but the last few decades have seen a rapid increase in the number of skirmishes and limited wars between the two Kingdoms. Although nothing unresolvable through negotiation has occurred, escalation has not been altogether prevented. It is only fear of the Eastern threat that has kept the conditions such a slow and consistent simmering conflict. Right now one of the many skirmishes has once more erupted into a limited border war. For the Freishannese raiding is a fact of life. Whether on the constant border wars in the South, or the conflicts with Eastern desert peoples. Of the Eastern Deserts, raids and counter-raids are especially common, although full-blown conflict is strongly limited by geography that has not eased the viciousness of conflict for border Freishannese. Although in some parts trade still occurs with desert tribes, or even Westerners trading with the main port city, although that has caused tensions with Freishann. [h3]Characters[/h3] [hider=High King Melaníonn Glynbhasdoich]Coming soon![/hider] [hider=High Queen Káhesh Carmyar]Coming soon![/hider] [hider=Princess Myrátha Glynbhasdoich]Coming soon![/hider] [hider=Headmaster-Magus Arawhurd]Coming soon![/hider] [hider=Professor-Magus Áchlion Elzurid of Sliagie]Coming soon![/hider] [/hider] [hider=The Kingdom of Atharia] [h3]Overview[/h3] The Kingdom of Atharia is a Feudal Argentist land that often has rivalries with its neighbors, primarily over various disputes on the ownership of certain territories. Highly prized for its knight culture and extensive population of knights, Atharia generally has been a strong if somewhat fractious Kingdom no doubt in part because of the previous fact. In current times Atharia has built of a more sizeable supporting force of common infantry and a relatively strong navy, although they are somewhat overshadowed by other powers in the region in naval regards. The Human population of Atharia was in the past fractured into petty Kingdoms and cultures although they have generally been absorbed into the greater Atharia culture in current times. [h3]History[/h3] Atharia proper as a unified Kingdom began far in the past when the Primordials still reigned over [continent here]. Actually having descended from a Kingdom formed by a Primordial from the far Lynnde Empire, Atharia has often had conflicts with the surrounding petty Kingdoms. A new reign of slow expansion, mostly peaceful although some land was integrated into the Kingdom proper by conquests, came about after the absence of Primordial beings. Atharia would continue to slowly integrate and vassalize the surrounding petty Kings for centuries yet. Very dependent on strong Kings as formed from a governance centered on a Primordial the actual power of Atharia has varied widely throughout the ages. Falling back onto Feudal arrangements from the lack of such a powerful being as leader, Atharia has had troubles expanding as such arrangements threatened to consume it some centuries past due to the level of in-fighting. This changed with the rise of the High Kingdom of Freishann, also at the time a Feudal-like structure. Freishann created an external enemy for Atharia to focus against. Particularly during the first Dynasty of Freishann in which Frequently warred with Atharia. Initially this was quite successful for Freishann, overrunning the poorly integrated and defended Northern Atharia, what is now mostly part of Freishann. However subsequent wars went significantly less decisive as Freishannese invasions were stopped by a combination of force from Atharian cavalry and fortification while Atharian counter attacks were thwarted by terrain and fanatic resistance. These wars caused the eventual deaths of the First Dynasty of Freishann with the Second dynasty being significantly less confrontational, setting a relationship that would vary between rivalry and guarded neutrality for the centuries to come. Atharia and Freishann would have periods of renewed hostility but they were mostly related to border wars and incidents. With the arrival of the Emerald Empire on the scene Atharia has greatly increased their naval power although they lag somewhat behind nations that focused on those prospects sooner. In practice Atharia has attempted to compete with the Emerald Empire and Freishann, particularly in the taking of Eastern Islands to attempt a further improvement of trade through Atharian ports. In recent times Atharia has had increased hostilities over border territories with Freishann, getting into many minor skirmishes and such over the western territories in particular. Not all of them have had decisive victors but enough to create some border movement over the last thirty to twenty years. [h3]Military[/h3] The Atharia military is divided into several fields. First is that of the Army, subsequently divided between royal forces, vassals of the crown and mercenaries. Royal forces and vassals are in large part levied militia, they have some form of training in either ranged weaponry such as longbows or melee troops such as men armed with billhooks or another similar weapon. In addition there are the more formally trained numbers of men either as supporting cavalry as men-at-arms, these being lowborn troops well trained and equipped. In addition to men-at-arms there is a large Knight population trained extensively as heavy cavalry but also in many other weapons, more often than not considering their foes they will have to fight dismounted in one situation or another. Atharia mercenaries tend to follow the same general rules as the armies of Atharia at large, it is likely to see some groups solely as a well armed cavalry force while others focus on providing a large number of decent billmen. While mercenaries do not overtake the Atharia system of governance they are important particularly due to their Northern neighbor’s discouragement of their operations there. Second is that of the Royal Navy of Atharia, while quite a new creation is steadily becoming a force to be respected and feared. Built up in response to Freishannese naval expansion and Emerald involvement in the area, the navy mostly has recruited from fishing ship and merchant ship crews and other civilian sailing operations. As because of this lack of a strong naval tradition to maintain discipline and order many of the measures of punishment are unusually draconian in nature. This has led to a somewhat underperforming recruitment drive and so impressment is the usual way or ‘recruiting’ for most Atharian sailors. [h3]Society and Culture[/h3] Atharia modern society is still very Feudal, much more so than Freishann, who has for the most part moved away from the system. Atharia is divided into several classes, at the top is the King and subsequently priests and noblemen, below that are various Freemen, crafters, merchants, free farmers and the general like. Below them is the peasantry, while not technically bound to the land like serfs they are still effectively kept there by economic means. Atharian high society is very militarized as a focus from the nobility on Knighthood and subsequent codes of conduct. Other portions of society are less so although it does have an impact on social currents, creating a system wherein most soldiers are respected as well as or better than some Freemen. Men-at-arms are almost exclusively drawn from the Free class of people, putting them at the top of that class by and large. While other more levied soldiers are generally viewed as somewhere between Free people and the peasantry. [h3]Relations[/h3] Semi-Hostile/Rival relations with Freishann, due to recent periods of conflict and limited warfare over various territories along their shared border. Significantly increased by the Emerald Empire’s presence and positive relations with Freishann. Semi-Hostile/Rival relations with the Emerald Empire, both in Atharian attempts to dominate trade around the western edge of the continent but also in disputes over the ownership of several islands to the East of Atharia proper. Cold and distant relations between Olira and Atharia in recent times do to Olira’s friendships with the Emerald Empire and the Freishannese. Relations are ascribed to be “like a teenage girl and her dad who just doesn't get it”. Which is which is left open to interpretation. [h3]Characters[/h3] King Alaric II [/hider]