[hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170509/1bff74afa75013e5d93ab47db0668f7d.png[/img][hr] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/6965233f81a112338c7a54325e9ebb7b/tumblr_oegdepi0lV1skawvvo3_500.gif[/img][hr][color=#A53C20][b][u]Location;[/u][/b][/color] ► His apartment ◄ [color=#A53C20][b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b][/color] [b][color=#006400]Jason[/color][/b] - {[@Helo]}, [color=#004b80][b]Layla[/b][/color] - {[@WolfLover]}, [color=#0fC0fC][b]J.D.[/b][/color] via text - {[@Lovely Complex])[/center][hr] Fabian eyed Layla as she sort of agreed to help him prepare Thanksgiving then laughed whenever she mentioned that she wasn't eating stale bread. [color=#A53C20][b]"That stale bread is only in there for when Jason gets too high."[/b][/color] Fabian muttered then turned his gaze towards Jason after he made the remark. Jason asked if Fabian brought anything for breakfast as he could not help but chuckle as he dug throughout one of the bags then threw a box of Pop Tarts towards him, blueberry flavored. His eyes flashed towards Layla as she walked off the door to finish her cake as he started to put up the groceries that he didn't need at the moment. It was then when Jason offered to help out as Fabian raised a brow towards him then let out an exhale. [color=#A53C20][b]"Uhm, sure."[/b][/color] Fabian said in a reluctant manner then handed him the onions and celery along with a knife and pointed. [color=#A53C20][B]"Chop those up first then I'll see what else I can get you to do."[/b][/color] Fabian's ears twitched whenever his phone chimed as he walked over towards the device, seeing JD's name scroll across the screen. After reading the text, Fabian shrugged his shoulders to himself then looked over towards Jason and remembered something he said earlier. [color=#A53C20][b]"If you invite the band over, you guys could play something acoustic for us. But I am sure they are wanting to spend Thanksgiving with their families."[/b][/color] Fabian said then went back to type a reply towards JD. [center][b]To: [color=#0fC0fC]J.D.[/color][/b] [color=#A53C20][b]Nah. Honey's cool so I think everyone else should be cool about and if not, fuck them! lol Sure. I'll make up the extra bed for her.[/b][/color][/center] He sat his phone down then waltzed back over to stand beside Jason now as he kept a close eye on him then started to gather the pots and pans that he needed to prepare dinner with. [color=#A53C20][b]"I wonder if Cori is coming. I have this new dance move I want to show her and maybe have me and her put a routine together."[/b][/color] Fabian said as he turned on the stove and preheated the over now.