[hider=Archer App]Name: David, Slayer of Giants, King of Israel Class: Archer Gender: Male Appearance: [img]https://static.zerochan.net/Archer.%28David%29.full.2012882.jpg[/img] Alignment: Lawful Good Personality: Humble and pious, David was one of the finest examples and ideals for Kingship that Israel ever had. His personality exemplified all of the values of a King, from the regal presence all the way down to the caring relationship he had with his subjects. He also proved an excellent negotiator of intrigues and plots, as was shown by his clashes with Saul. The personality of this iteration of David is drawn from the time just after he defeated the giant, and had reconciled himself with Saul, when he was in the prime of God's favour. Guided by a sense of the righteous, and a faith that was proven time and again to be well-warranted, David's lustful side would prove to be his downfall, but he ultimately would redeem himself of this fall from grace. Repentant and promised "a house that will never die", David's last years on earth were spent knowing in his heart and soul that he had given God a life worthy of the living. His summoning to the Holy Grail War will be viewed by him as a Holy Challenge, and one that will consecrate his Kingship of Israel once and for all. History: [url]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David[/url] Weapon: Kade, Sling of God (Can also summon Chad, the Sword of Goliath for close combat.) Parameters: STR: D CON: D AGI: D MGI: D LCK: D Class Skills: Independent Action - B - Allows servant to remain in the world for two days without a master, though this is constrained by needing to minimize prana consumption and injury in battle. Marksmanship - S - Servant is masterful with all types of ranged weaponry, and never misses a shot that they can set up properly. Personal Skills: Giant Slayer - S - When facing servants whose stats are twice that of his own or higher, David receives a rank-up to the stat with the greatest deficiency, levelling the playing field. This skill has a hard cap of A Rank, however. The King's Harper - B - David can use this skill to lull an enemy servant or master to sleep, as long as he sacrifices his Giant Slayer advantage, and this skill is overridden by Magecraft as it uses minimal prana as to enchant David's music. Anointed of God - A+ - Chosen by God as the King of Israel, David receives a stat rank-up every day, of one of his stats by one rank. At the end of each 24 hour cycle, that stat returns to its original rank. Noble Phantasm: Name: Tzuriel Uriel Uziel Title: Goliath's Bane, or, The First Stone Rank: A NP Type: Anti-Unit Range: 1-99 Maximum Number of Targets: 1 Description: A Noble Phantasm which transforms projectiles cast by David, giving them a Holy aura that negates magical protections, and ignores armour. A means of inflicting "true" damage. Does not modify the actual stats of the projectile except to cause it to ignore air resistance, and any other potential obstacles. This effect begins the moment the projectile leaves David's hands, and is connected to his intent. There is a maximal limit to how far this effect can be maintained, for example, if an enemy were to hide on the other side of a mountain and David were to shoot through said mountain, the prana needed to actually support the projectile pushing through the mountain would negate its efficacy. The reserves for prana that support the Phantasm come from David himself, so he cannot merely rely on an extremely powerful master to provide vast pools of prana to make use of. Lastly, the Noble Phantasm effect can be dropped at will, however its effects will destroy the projectile, meaning a cancelled phantasm use is a cancelled shot.[/hider]