Not far from where the ferry was setting shore, Kjolmar and Eevee noticed some pokemon they had never seen before. "Let's see what our new Rotom-pokedex has to say about those!" Kjolmar's pokedex, newly upgraded, popped up out of nowhere and scanned the pokemon they were looking at. [i]Yungoos. It wanders around in a never-ending search for food. At dusk, it collapses from exhaustion and falls asleep on the spot. Gumshoos. Patient by nature, this Pokémon loses control of itself and pounces when it spots its favorite meal—Rattata![/i] Eevee noticed something and roared in front of himself. Kjolmar looked up and gasped. "Whoa! There is one really big Gumshoos. Should we battle it?" Before they could do anything, an equally big Raticate and some smaller Rattata appeared not far from them. "Is that Raticate? It looks so different than the ones I've seen before. Wait a minute, didn't Rotomdex just say that Rattata are Gumshoos' favorite meal? Should we do something?"