[quote=@Famotill] [@Life in Stasis] I'll shuffle them in whatever way you all are comfortable with/want. I'll let you know if something doesn't work if it comes up (like there are two characters that- based on lore- would have to be in one group). The elves are all welcome to be in the same party (plus it'd make a ton of sense, actually). [/quote] I'm cool with it as long as [@Rithy], [@Lionhearted], and [@Frettzo] are. I think it'd be a catalytic mix, the elves will all surely have something to say (or not say) to each other, and the Foreas will probably just be wanting everyone to get along. Is that going to be an even split? Also enjoy the movie. I love a good murder flick myself, so I may just have go out and see how Disney kills the soul of a legendary franchise. ;)