[B]NO LONGER ACCEPTING APPLICANTS![/B] [B][U]Round #7[/U][/B] Post Due Date: TBA - 6:00 P.M. (GMT -5) • Harbringer : O • Takaru : O • Rata Tat Tat : O • BurntBacon8r : O • ERode : ∅ • Zata : ∅ [B]IC Time:[/B] Day 70, 10:29 A.M. Monday [B]Additional Notes:[/B] Group on the Skype now active! ____________ [B][U]Story[/U][/B] [hider=Synopsis]The year is 2600, and humanity has finally expanded beyond the borders of its atmosphere, establishing colonies on worlds that can support life, or planets they have terraformed to support life. Countries all have but ceased to exist, becoming the Terran Empire as a collective whole however, they still have the enmities that were present before the Empire was formed. Britain and France were still going at it long after its citizens had forgotten why. They just knew they were supposed to hate each other. However, the further humanity expanded, the more sentient aliens they discovered, and the more sentient races they discovered, the more that are hostile towards them. Humanity has since long invested less in conventional ground warfare, as many aliens are physically superior, and seem to be impervious to bullets, and has resorted to the use of A.W.E., or Armored War Exoskeletons. Originally developed in a joint effort of the Terran Empire, it has since spread to almost every nation, and, as a result, each country has one or two names which are known throughout the world for their quality. While each company may be good in one aspect of A.W.E manufacture, they often have a downside due to the company's focus on one aspect. The pioneering attack that made the A.W.E.s famous was the Taking of Demeter in 2213, now an agricultural world mostly dedicated to farming and recreation. Before the Terran Empire possessed it, it was held by hostile extraterrestrials called 'Larks', so called because of the laughing sound they made to communicate with each other. After attacks were launched by them on the nearby economical planet of Arethusa, the Terran Empire retaliated by sending their own armies to invade the larks, including their new weapons, the A.W.Es. Usually, a campaign as large as the one planned would have taken months of delicate planning and back and forth between the two forces, however, the A.W.Es tipped the balance greatly in the favor of the Terran Empire. The sheer size of the original A.W.Es was intimidating enough, and sent Larks running for their lives, but they pushed on without rest, taking the cities one by one with little to no difficulty as they shrugged off the energy rounds that they threw at them. Only one A.W.E was lost in that campaign. The Larks were soon subsumed into the Terran Empire, and allowed to live on their planet in exchange for the Terran empire taking them as vassals. After that campaign ended, A.W.Es were put into mass production, and the various countries started to churn them out one after the other, putting their own marks onto them and starting to shape their own molds for them. As the years passed, A.W.Es started to grow less bulky, though they were still physically large and imposing. Meeting other races meant that the world of science made leaps and bounds, and the operators of A.W.Es soon found themselves with many options to choose from when selecting their weaponry. Now in more modern times, only the elite Terran troops are allowed to don these suits however, because of the worth and the difficulty of operating the suit. Children are tested at an early age for compatibility, and only those with a high enough score are permitted into one of the many training academies after their secondary education. These A.W.Es are given to the soldiers, provided they sign a contract that essentially locked them in for a long term of service the military. Those who have been accepted receive the following letter from one of many schools: ------------ [I]To whom this may concern, Congratulations, (insert name here), your application to Lunar Academy has been accepted, and we are happy to welcome you to our school. Lunar Academy is a school dedicated to the training of A.W.E pilots for the military. Located on Luna, the moon of Terra, Lunar academy boasts some of the finest facilities available to the Terran empire. The chefs are top notch, the rooms are filled with fine furniture, and the teachers are all veterans of one war or another, and are eager to teach the new generation and pass on their experiences. In this school, potential A.W.E pilots learn tactics, teamwork and A.W.E maintenance, as well as combat training. An advanced holographic arena allows students to pull the data or their A.W.E.s from the school banks and bring them into realistic being in the arena, where they may compete with them with school mates or with teachers in their yearly exam. This method is to ensure that injuries are minimized. In case of injury, the school is staffed by an entire hospital, and one entire wing is dedicated to medicine and recovery practices. The curriculum of the school consists of 3 years of education and training, before they are handed over to the military to complete their contract. During every year, there are various events that will happen to entertain the students, as well as test their resolve, camaraderie and strength. During the year, the students will be allocated into 'Teams'. In these teams, the members must learn to overcome their differences and work as a cohesive unit if they want to pass their test, or survive their career, as these 'Teams' often carry over into the military. A.W.E.s will be delivered to the school garages for storage. At any time, a student may access their teams garage via access card, however, when not in use, please leave your A.W.E in your designated garage to avoid any misunderstandings with staff or outside authorities. On the day of orientation, a shuttle will come to pick you up at the Luna Spaceport at Terminal 3. Please be waiting there by 1100 hours sharp with your luggage and accoutrements. We look forward to meeting you and teaching you in the coming year. Signed, Nav Balwind Principal of Lunar Academy[/I] ------------ [/hider][hider=Old IC Summary] ------ [I]This is technically a part two to an RP that was held on the old site before it was deleted. Most of the IC was able to be recovered, thankfully, but the group had to make a very hard decision as to whether or not to continue. In the end, half the group wished to go and the others were either absent, or chose to leave. We were interrupted in the middle of a combat scenario, so it was easy enough to give them an out. In the synopsis hider below, a summary of the previous IC has been written, and it should be painfully obvious as to where we were cut off.[/I] ------ The story begins in the small classroom of Lunar Academy; the current five occupants each dealing with their predicament in their own way. Boredom, fear, irritation; there were a number of emotions going around the room. It was only a short time before their reason for being there was made known: Colonel Landsfeldt barged into the room. After informing the students of their status of an elite team in training, Squad One, he told them to get up and get moving; they would be doing a series of solo simulations in the holographic arena. The students obliged, and it wasn't very long before everyone was sitting tight in the observation room of the huge stadium. One by one, the students were called to do a small mission pertaining to their area of expertise. Richard Williams, a British piloting an A.W.E. designated DEMON by the Ghoul corporation was the first to go. His machine, built for swift takedown and general disruption on the battle field, managed to accomplish the mission of slaying the small band of mercenaries he was set upon. Second to go was Thessalia Minari, a Swiss pilot of Hagelsturm, a machine built for the job of a tank in both defense and offence by Wirbelwind. Her mission, that of a defending a small fort from attack, was also a success, even if it was at a loss of a few men. Third, the Russian Scarlett Sahkarova took to the field in Eterna, a more supportive based armor by Hextech. Her mission of invading a factory went smoothly, despite unorthodox tactics. The American Karl Shanks was fourth, entering battle in his well-rounded offensive machine, Spartan, produced by Barbarian. Like a one-man wrecking crew, he managed to win the small skirmish he was dropped into. Last to go was the second American, a man who called himself both Jack and Roman, piloting Nephesh, a stealth base machine developed by Spirit. Despite his radical change in personality upon entering the simulation, his mission of sabotaging a base's power system went off without much difficulty. The simulations concluded, the team was sent back to their dorms for the night. Each person went about their own business, until Richard, who had produced dinner on account of losing a bet against Jack, called them all to eat. The meal was delicious, but plagued with uncomfortability, as each person went about introducing themselves to each other. Some were more descriptive than othera, and this did not go unnoticed to some members of the group. Fed and tired, the team then retired to bed for the night. The following morning, a message from the Colonel instructed the group that a skirmish mission was being held in the arena. After a short breakfast, each member of the team managed to make it down in a timely fashion. Upon arrival, the Colonel told the team that they needed to pick a captain. Thessalia was the one chosen, and the team was lead out into the arena. Once there, they were introduced to their opponents. It was a small team, twice their number, led by Miromi Hyugar, a second year Canadian pilot, in her long-range and sensory Knight A.W.E., Nirobi. After introductions, the mission objectives were explained: Squad One was to eliminate they enemy, or capture the enemy base point by occupying it unopposed for a full minute. With that, the two teams went to opposite sides of the field, and the simulation started. Once ten minutes passed, allowing the enemy team to set up a defense around their base, Squad One began to move. The team split up, with Jack and Richard heading north east to scout, since a radar jammer was determined to be present, while the remaining three stayed put until information was given. After the two were a decent length away, the enemy began to bombard Thessalia, Karl and Scarlet's cover, forcing them to move. Jack and Richard found their own opposition on their route. This was not an order by the enemy captain. Miromi was having her own difficulties, as it seemed a member of her squad was attempting a coup to take leadership control from her. Miromi's radio was silenced, as her team took orders from the rogue member. This member did not stay in the fight very long. Richard and Jack managed to find him and another unit protecting the path they were headed. Being unable to see Jack, the two charged Richard, which, with the help of Jack, resulted in their quick defeat. The enemy team, having no leader whatsoever, tried to rally themselves as Thessalia, Karl, and Scarlett began returning fire. The match was decided, however, when Jack managed to sneak through a small mine field, and attack Miromi. Her sensors damaged, she left their base unoccupied as she ran and hid, before, her emotions and anger getting the better of her, she took herself out of the battle. This all but ended the match, as Jack was able to transport Richard behind the enemy lines, and with him attacking their behind, and the other three attacking the front, Jack was able to sneak into base. The victory did not come without a casualty though: Karl was taken out in the shootout. This did not sit well with Thessalia, who, both in this battle and the previous day's exhibition simulation, allowed one of her units to be lost in a fight. The match ended, and Squad One's victory announced, the most of the team made their way back to their dorm. Thessalia, Karl, and Roman occupied the common room in silence as the first studied, the second slept, and the third simply tried to be quiet and unnoticed as he ate a small meal. A short while later, Richard too made it back, tired from his exercise at a sparring club he had joined. As Karl continued to sleep, Thessalia, curiosity at its limit, asked Richard about the strange behavior she had been observing in Roman. Richard told her a small tale as he began making food for the rest of the group, but in the end, his story only made her more curious. As Richard handed out the food to the other two occupants who hadn't yet eaten, the opening of the dorm door surprised everyone inside. Scarlett, who was still absent, had not returned. Miromi had arrived at the dorm, and made her way inside. She was not greeted with kindness, and she showed none in turn, and instead simply told everyone that she had been transferred to the team for unknown reasons. The night ended with everyone going to sleep, and Scarlett not returning. The following morning and fourth day at the academy, started off with another message from the colonel. At midday, another simulation was waiting for them, and that Scarlett had been removed from the team. The team split up once more as everyone went about their own morning routine. Richard, Karl, and Thessalia went off to the cafeteria for breakfast, while Miromi headed out on her own to be by herself. Roman, thinking the common room was clear, made himself a small breakfast before sitting down, hoping to be undisturbed until it was time for the mission. This did not go as planned, since Thessalia returned to the dorm, intent on speaking with him. After an awkward conversation, Roman agreed to explain himself, but at the arena. The two went together, and once there, Roman once more turned into Jack. Jack explained the entire situation to Thessalia, and the conversation ended with the latter agreeing to keep an eye on and befriend Roman, at Jack's request. The other three team members then made their way inside the arena to join them, and the Colonel appeared to start the simulation. It was to be an orbital drop, clearing an infestation of an alien race from a small town. The mission never started. Right as it was about to begin, the arena returned to normal, and Karl was instructed to go join a different arena. The remaining four were given free time in the arena to do as they wished. However, only three stayed. The tension that had begun drowning the previous night hit a breaking point, with Miromi and the other three getting into a large fight, where trust issues and anger were made very apparent. Miromi left the arena to be by herself; the whole fiasco being a huge misunderstanding that both sides were too stubborn to admit. After the hour, Richard left by himself, while Thessalia went looking for Roman who had not left the locker rooms. She managed to coax him out, and the two went on a walk, where, eventually, Roman told Thessalia about his pains and frustrations. The air between them clearing considerably, the two eventually made it back to the common room. A short while later, Miromi came out of the girl's bedroom, where she had been napping after a conversation with Richard, where that air was also cleared somewhat. Following her appearance, Richard returned to the dorm, tired from another bout of sparring at his club, and made his way to a couch for a nap. Silence returned for a little while, until a loud and unexpected bang on the door roused everyone. Richard, irritated, went to open it, only to find Karl and a second person standing there. Roughing up Karl a bit for being loud, Richard then went to the bedroom to try and sleep again, but not before angering Miromi once again with his actions. Karl and the newcomer entered the dorm, with the newcomer heading to the bathroom to get himself cleaned up, after Karl patted down his bruises with the help of Miromi, and before both Miromi and the newcomer stepped outside onto the dorm balcony to talk. With everyone cleaned and ready, dinner was made, and the newcomer was finally able to introduce himself: Douglas Karesh, a second year piloting a large and heavy A.W.E. called Dreadnaught. Doug explained that he was assigned to this team for the time being, although he didn't explain why. The others began to understand what the colonel originally meant when he said this was an experimental 'team'. After dinner, everyone retired to bed. They did not sleep for very long; shortly after midnight, an alarm sounded, followed by the voice of the Colonel as he told everyone to get up and get to the arena. The mission this time was a four day siege defense. The place to defend was a drone producing factory with very little resources, and the enemy was a drone constructing drop ship that would be attacking them. The reason for the mission, according to the colonel, was to force the team's teamwork skills to improve. Once everyone was at the arena, the mission began, and it was immediately apparent that something was wrong. Richard was missing. Jack, acting on his own, discovered a small spot that Richard might be, and took off, barely getting a confirmation from Thessalia to do so. The remaining four were left to deal with a small drone assault that had been dropped on them. The fight was rather short, with the small team easily being able to overpower the few enemy units. Jack was successful in his mission too: he managed to find Richard chained up and about to be transported to the enemy drop ship. This is where things took a turn for the worse. Jack's attempt to rescue Richard ended in failure, when his means of disabling the enemy forces set off an explosion around Richard's neck, taking him out. Thessalia, Karl, Miromi, and Doug had their own problems: the enemy dropped a massive tank upon them, and Karl's A.W.E. was heavily damaged in the ensuing fight. Regrouping, tension rose to a boiling point as nearly everyone began shouting at each other, before splitting up to do their own missions believed to be the most important. A day passed with no incidents, but the quiet was interrupted when another wave of drones landed in the factory. Despite another victory, Karl was taken out in the fight, and ammo supplies began to run low. Miromi did her best to salvage as much power as she could manage, and was even able to get a small group of drones up and battle ready on their side. It wound up not mattering: on the fourth day, a massive wave of drones that had been being built by the enemy landed, and while Doug and Thessalia tried their best, eventually their large machines were taken down. Miromi and Jack did their best to simply survive, but the former was not so lucky. Cornered, she managed to take out a few more drones, before being shot down. Only Jack survived, his machine doing its job, and allowing him to hide and wait out the remaining few hours. The mission was a complete failure, in both ways. The team's complete lack of teamwork was not unnoticed by the Colonel, nor his superiors. Over the next few days, two more missions were given to Squad One, and both had the same results as the first. In an attempt to fix the personality conflicts on the team, Miromi was eventually removed to be given her own squad once again. The remaining five fared slightly better over the next couple of weeks, but it was clear that not everyone was on board with each other. Once again the team was split up, Doug and Karl being set to a different team — Miromi's — with the only three members of Squad One being Thessalia, Richard, and Jack. Over the next two months, the three were no longer given mission simulations. Instead, the Colonel allowed them their choice of practice with whatever weaponry they wished to use, and gave them written homework on various squad operations, all of them clearly emphasized on the teamwork of various members. It was clear that the Colonel knew that of the last full team, it was these three that were compatible, and he was doing his best to prime them for something. The something was guessed by the three rather quickly: they were screening people for a fit based on their personalities. Before, the 'experimental team' was being formed just based on skill and what units were needed. Now they were doing both. The three complied as they waited the day that their squad was to be given new members once again.[/hider] ____________ [B][U]Armored War Exoskeletons[/U][/B] A.W.Es are exactly what they imply. Covering the body of the operator, they emit a translucent layer of energy that protects the user from most forms of harm. At first they tested mechas, but they proved to be too cumbersome to transport, so they settled for exoskeletons. These exoskeletons are fitted with armor and weaponry of their soldier's choosing, another perk for being an A.W.E operator. [hider=Components][B][U]Frames[/U][/B] [I]Your frame is the body of your A.W.E. This is what decides the size, armor, and general use of your machine. Frames come in three types: light, medium, and heavy. As is implied, lights A.W.E.s are small and agile and have little armor, heavies are big and slow but well protected, and mediums are somewhere in the middle. Your frame also dictates the special perk provided by the manufacturer of your machine. Different companies specialize in different things, and this will be reflected in your A.W.E.[/I] [B][U]Armaments[/U][/B] [I]Your armaments are the equipment that you carry with you into battle. They come in two categories: weapon and support. Weapons are exactly what you would expect — guns, swords, missiles, etc. Weapons come in three categories:[/I] • [B]Conventional[/B] - [I]This weapon type refers to weapons commonly used by the Terran military in the form of either ranged weapons which fire solid rounds, or melee weapons which reply on sharp edges or other such means to pierce shields. This includes shock mauls, vibro-swords, and knives, as well as rifles, shotguns and high velocity sniper rifles.[/I] • [B]Laser[/B] - [I]This weapon type makes use of stimulated emission of photons to fire a powerful beam of light, which, while containing no physical impact, is faster, but somewhat weaker than conventional weaponry. The wounds cauterize wounds upon impact, but deal enough tissue damage to take people out of a fight. These weapons have shorter range due to the refraction of light, but can pierce shields easily.[/I] • [B]Plasma[/B] - [I]This weapon type is currently the most advanced munitions currently in the possession of the Terrans, and is still experimental in nature. If compressed too much, the plasma becomes too volatile and excited, the particles often gathering enough strength to detonate in a blue-white shower of burning hot ooze, which explains why there is a minimum size for the use of plasma in weaponry. Usually only used in large scale war machines such as artillery and some larger tanks, technology has progressed to the point where it is somewhat able to implement the munitions into A.W.E weaponry, although this is still considered dangerous.[/I] [I]Weapons can also come equipped with special modifications, attachments, or ammunition that give it a unique ability, as all base weapons are of standard stock and all function the same. Support armaments are the flip side to this. They all tend to be unique and made to help the A.W.E. perform its intended role. They tend to take on the form of drones, jet packs, repair kits, or other small attachments and devices, but they are not at all limited to just that. Some support armaments can be multipurpose as well, allowing them to do a variety of tasks while taking up less space.[/I] [B][U]Shields[/U][/B] [I]Your shield is what protects you from your enemies weapons. It is an invisible energy barrier that is form fitting to your A.W.E. that is powered by a special generator inside the core of your A.W.E., and its size determines its power.[/I] [B][U]Signature Asset[/U][/B] [I]This is your A.W.E.'s most powerful armament. It can take the form of either a weapon, support armament, or even something built into the frame or your A.W.E.'s CPU itself. The options for these sorts of assets are near limitless.[/I] [B][U]HUD Add-Ons[/U][/B] [I]Your heads up display is what provides you with battle information in the midst of combat. The standard HUD, however, is extremely limited in what it provides, giving not much more than internal diagnostics, slight aim and tracking support, and an extremely limited radar. Add-Ons give your A.W.E. the access to information it needs to help your A.W.E. perform its role more efficiently.[/I][/hider][hider= Manufacturers][I]There are many companies producing A.W.E.s in this world. You may create one, bonuses included, or pick one from the list below. However, please discuss with the creator (or the GM if there isn't one) when using an already made company.[/I] [B][U]Spirit[/U][/B] [B]Based In:[/B] America [B]Specializes In:[/B] Energy Weapons & Stealth [B]Summary:[/B] Spirit originally specialized in one thing: energy. Generators were the first specialty of the company; no one could ever match them in quality and output. After they were established as the go-to name, they began licensing their generators to other companies, which helped the grow into the super-power they are today. With the large stream of cash flowing in, not only did they hire the best of the best to help with creating even greater generators, they also expanded into the weapons and stealth department due to a change of lead. Paul and Lily Roman took over after Maes Roman stepped down, at it was by their hand that Spirit took a more direct role in the production of A.W.E. technology. They were the ones who invented the Clarke System — a stealth system with the power to slip straight through anything made by the leader in sensor technology, Knight. Spirit also produces energy based armaments, such a lasers and plasma guns. However after coming to the realization that their weapons would never be able to out-power the kinetic based armaments of Knight thanks to the limited size on their weapon's personal generators, they have moved from creating A.W.E. weapons to creating more massive weapons designed for battleships. [B]Bonus:[/B] > Energy Tech - 1 free point is given towards a single laser or plasma weapon. > Energy Efficiency - The A.W.E.'s energy reserves are doubled (it can last 6 'combat scenarios'). > EMP Shielding - The A.W.E. is not effected by electromagnetic pulses. > Fragile - The armor of the A.W.E. is damaged much easier. > Conventional Clumsiness - The A.W.E. cannot use conventional projectile or melee weapons. Player inventor: Zata [B][U]Ghoul[/U][/B] [B]Based In:[/B] America, formerly England [B]Specializes In:[/B] Energy Absorption, Fear tactics & Melee [B]Summary:[/B] Formerly headed by a powerful English businessman, the Ghoul has now come under the financial wing of the Spirit company after running into some difficulties. The main problem was the complaints from pilots about their energy consumption, and only being able to finish half a fight while others moved on. They tried to solve this through larger cores, but these only served to bulk down the A.W.E and remove its only asset, its speed, maneuverability, and responsiveness during melee combat. After the company was purchased by Spirit, the engineers worked together to find a solution to this problem, which resulted in the concept of the “CANNIBAL” system, which solved their basic problems… mostly. [B]Bonus:[/B] > Melee Affinity - 1 free point is given towards a melee weapon. > Agile - The A.W.E is a harder target to strike at long range. > Fearmonger - Ghoul units are designed specifically to target the primal nature of organisms, more specifically the flight or flight reflex. Many rebellions have been squashed with the mere mention of the deployment of a GHOUL squad. Any unit within close proximity to a ghoul unit has a chance of immediate flight. > Low Fuel - The A.W.E.'s energy is halved (it can last 1.5 'combat scenarios'). > Disgust - Due to Ghoul's fearsome reputation, they inspire a lot of feelings. Many generals disdain the use of Ghoul units, and some soldiers feel uneasy around it. Player inventor: Harbringer [B][U]Wirbelwind[/U][/B] [B]Based In:[/B] Switzerland [B]Specializes In:[/B] Shields [B]Summary:[/B] Advanced A.W.E. Systems is still relatively new in terms of A.W.E. technology - however, it has already started to make a name for itself with their unusual designs and highly effective shields. The A.W.E.s produced by them often possess more advanced shields and thus are afforded an almost deceptive durability. In terms of offensive power, their A.W.E.s are almost all front line models, either specializing in anti-infantry or anti-armor or offering a selection of both — only rarely are A.W.E.s designed with other roles in mind. However, due to the higher than usual energy requirement for the improved shields, Advanced A.W.E. Systems' A.W.E.s can not support the consumption rate of Plasma weaponry or multiple Laser armaments. [B]Bonus:[/B] > Improved Shields - The shields of the A.W.E. can take more punishment. > Shield Tech - Up to 2 free points are given towards the A.W.E.'s shields. > Energy Limit - The A.W.E. cannot use plasma weapons and a maximum of 1 laser weapons. > Designated Role - The A.W.E. cannot use long range weapons. Player inventor: Takaru [B][U]Shard[/U][/B] [B]Based in:[/B] Germany [B]Specializes in:[/B] High speed, reaction time, and maneuverability. [B]Summary:[/B] Shard, a small German company led by Armin Feuer, took no part in A.W.E. technology for the first couple years of its creation. Originally named NeuroLeg, the company was nothing more than an R&D firm that specialized in medical prosthetics, and experimented with nervous system implants. The company was successful, if not a big name, and kept itself afloat through grants and contracts with much larger manufacturing companies. After Armin’s nephew displayed near perfect aptitude for becoming an A.W.E. pilot, however, a division of NeuroLeg split off and teamed up with some former members of Ghoul to become the Shard of today. Shard specialized in directly connecting the pilot’s brain to their A.W.E. via neural implant, removing the need for a HUD and greatly increasing responsiveness. Combined with Ghoul’s already fast technology, and using a new “Hover-skate” propulsion technology, Shard’s A.W.E.’s became some of the lightest and fastest in production – the better to capitalize on that new responsiveness. Shard A.W.E.’s are universally made with one goal in mind: Get in, work, and get out, as quickly as possible. Whether or not that work is destructive is up to the pilot. [B]Bonus:[/B] >Blasting Affinity: 1 free point towards a short-mid range conventional weapon >Flash burn: the A.W.E. moves extremely fast over both long and short distances, but can last for only 1.5 ‘combat scenarios’ >Lightweight: 1 point penalty to the A.W.E.’s shields and all size 2 and 3 weapons. Player inventor: BurntBacon8r [B][U]Knight[/U][/B] [B]Based In:[/B] France [B]Specializes In:[/B] Sensors & Railguns [B]Summary:[/B] Knight, the brainchild of former military engineer Francois Chevalier who upon leaving the military founded his own AWE company, taking with him a team of his own people as well as a wealth of practical knowledge and experience. Having seen first hand the vulnerability of many AWE's without dedicated data support he envisioned a system that would once again give AWE pilots a fighting chance against the new wave of stealth systems that were flooding the market. It was a huge success at the time, using Spirit's technology as a guideline he set out to defeat it. This success secured Knight's position in the field. It was these advanced systems that later paved the way for Knight's latest pet project in the arena of advanced kinetic weaponry, rail gun technology. Though certainly not the progenitors of rail gun technology Knight's scientists and engineers have advanced the technology by leaps and bounds since taking on the challenge, becoming the leader in not only rail gun theory but also development. It was Knight that produced the first high caliber (by rail gun standards) portable rail guns that could be fired using AWE's rather then needing to be mounted onto heavy platforms. Knight currently owns large area's of space in the region within the asteroid belt, as well as a few of the smaller moons around Saturn to allow for safe weapons testing and development due to the potential for catastrophic weapons failure. [B]Bonus:[/B] > Railgun Tech - 1 free points is given towards a single size three 'railgun' classified armament or special weapon. > Omniscience - Up to 2 free points (cannot go below 0) given towards a 'sensor' classified support armament or special ability. > Energy Enigma - The A.W.E. cannot equip laser or plasma weapons. Player inventor: N/A [B][U]Hextech[/U][/B] [B]Based In:[/B] Russia [B]Specializes In:[/B] In-built Support Systems [B]Summary:[/B] Hextech is a somewhat new branch of the Valhalla organization after they invented the HEX Power Grid, which proved to be a capable foundation for a whole new array of support tech — thus requiring the new branch. The HEX Power Grid is essentially that: a hexagonal mesh laid into the entirety of AWE to provide prodigious energy management across the entire AWE, using a somewhat newly discover Xenon molecule among other composites — though producing energy and providing it aren't entirely the same thing, hence the Hextech branch went to the trouble of acquiring license from Spirit to get themselves a worthy source of energy. The primary advantage is the sheer control and coverage of energy, allowing the grid to easily manage powering multiple expansive systems, though it comes with a slight drawback in that any external systems like held powered weapons require a HEX retrofit to access the grid. [B]Bonus:[/B] > Spirit License - The A.W.E.'s energy reserves are doubled. > HEX Power Grid - 2 free points for specifically 'in-built' support modules > Rigid System - 1 point penalty to all specifically non-built-in support modules or energy weapons. > Fragile - The armor of the A.W.E. is damaged much easier. Player inventor: N/A [B][U]Barbarian[/U][/B] [B]Based In:[/B] The Netherlands [B]Specializes In:[/B] Melee [B]Summary:[/B] This company focuses on more traditional options to fight. They focus on melee weapons and fighting with simpler weapons. While criticized by other, more modernized companies, this one stuck to its roots, and has diligently been working on progress in new features, such as power fists, fists that focus on packing more 'punch'. They also focus on other melee weapons, like spears and giant maces. They depend on their parent company, S&W Manufacturing, to help them through tough times. As seen, most people wouldn't pick a company like this, so profits aren't very great, but they've managed to persevere and remain a working company. [B]Bonus:[/B] > Pounder - 1 free point towards a melee weapon. > Brawler - The A.W.E.'s bare fists are as damaging as a size 1 melee weapon. > Primitive - Size 2 and 3 non-melee weapons cost 1 additional point. Player inventor: N/A [B][U]Heracles[/U][/B] [B]Based In:[/B] Greece [B]Specializes In:[/B] Armor [B]Summary:[/B] Heracles is a company named after the famous Greek hero. While not particularly big or powerful in terms of influience, Heracles has considerable sway in the Melee section of A.W.E.s. Known for the durability of their A.W.Es, they are the primary choice when it comes to survivability and defense. However, Heracles model A.W.Es have a lack of offensive capability, with most of their efforts in helping the pilot to survive. While their armoring and defensive items are good, their rifles, pistols, and other weapons are sorely lacking in comparison to other companies. [B]Bonus:[/B] > Durable - The armor of the A.W.E. can take much more punishment. > Climate Shielding - The A.W.E. is highly resistant to both hot and cold temperatures. > Encumbered - You lose a point slot depending on your frame size (1 for light, 2 for medium, and 4 for heavy). Player inventor: N/A[/hider][hider=Combat Rules][I]In order to ensure that no one turns their character into a one-man-army, there are a few rules to combat:[/I] [B][U]Fighting:[/U][/B] Fighting follows a very simple rule: you are free to write whatever you like, but the GM has veto power, and what he says goes. As the GM, I will be controlling enemy attacks and I will determine if they hit and how much damage they do. I believe myself to be a fair judge of how to make a fun story and one important thing to keep in mind is that I am not your enemy. I want everyone to have fun here. However, your character is not invulnerable. Neither, of course, are my enemies. You, as the player, are free to attack them as you see fit. So long as you are reasonable, I am generally fine with whatever you will write. However, I will step in and force changes as I see fit. You are free to debate your case in the OOC, but once I give a final order, it is to be done. You are to understand this, and accept it. [B][U]Damage:[/U][/B] Damage to your machine is split into three types: shield, armor, and system. When in a combat scenario (the start of which will be mentioned in the OOC at the start of a round), listed at the top of this post will be the status of your machine, and those three traits. While, as stated above, you are allowed to determine whether or not you hit enemies. I will be the one to determine how much damage was done to them, and in general, I will simply follow along with what you wrote. The same is true for when the enemy attacks you. I will say in the IC post what hits landed and what were the results. This is important when it comes to 'system' damage. While it is obvious that once your shield is gone, and your armor hit and destroyed, you die, I will also have the enemy (and you) disable some functions of your machines with some attacks. I will also list this in the IC post. [B][U]Energy:[/U][/B] As the A.W.E.s are machines, they require energy to run. The energy comes from the core of they A.W.E., and it factors into combat by limiting the amount of time you can fight. A standard A.W.E. can last three 'combat scenarios' before completely losing power. While for most small simulations, this is irrelevant, it becomes so when on longer missions. If you run out of energy, your machine stops functioning and your character will be unable to fight until the core is recharged once again.[/hider] ____________ [B]Character skeleton:[/B] [I]Like the combat system detailed above, to prevent people creating super-overpowered machines of death, a point system has been implemented in the creation of your A.W.E.s. The rules to this system are as follows:[/I] [hider=A.W.E. Construction][B][U]Frames[/U][/B] • Pick a frame type: light (10 point slots), medium (15 point slots), or heavy (20 point slots). • Create your own unique company to be added to the lists (please discuss with the GM first when deciding upon bonuses). [B][U]Armaments[/U][/B] • Create your weapons. Conventional and laser weapons come in three sizes: one-handed (1 point per), two-handed (2 points per), and heavy (3 points per). Plasma weapons can only be found in heavy, and are more costly (5 points; only one per machine). List your weapon's range (short, medium, and long) and damage potential (low, medium, and high). • Pick your perks (1 point per). Perks can be anything, including but in no way linted to: a clip of unique ammunition, a special barrage function, an alternate caliber firing method, or transformation abilities. Be warned that special ammunition will be in limited supply (consult with GM; 1 point to double given capacity). • Create your support armaments. They are more costly depending on size (1, 2, or 3 points per; consult with GM). • Decide upon additional functions. If you want your small laser drone to also be able to generate a small barrier for your protection, this is where you dictate that (1 point per function). [B][U]Shields[/U][/B] • Pick a shield type: weak (1 point), moderate (3 points) or strong (6 points). [B][U]Signature Asset[/U][/B] • Create your asset. Special weapons are extremely limited in use, but have the benefit of being much cheaper and much more devastating due to having a low, flat rate despite being weapons with a lot more perks attached (2 points). Special support armaments follow this same line of thinking (4 points). [B][U]HUD Add-Ons[/U][/B] • Pick your Add-Ons (1 point per).[/hider] [I]Each player has to make two skeletons: one for your pilot, and one for you Armored War Exoskeleton.[/I] [hider=Pilot]Name: Self-explanatory. At least, I hope it is self-explanatory... If you don't know what to put here, leave now please. Gender: Same as above. Nationality: Tell which country (or in some rare cases, planet) your character originates from. Appearance: Please provide a picture of what your character looks like. Also, unless you are stating your character looks and is dressed exactly the same, please mention any change of clothes or other cosmetic differences (this is mostly for anime pictures). Personality: Explain how your character behaves. I expect a decent paragraph here. Bio: Your character's history. Like above, I expect a few decent paragraphs here. Other: List anything else that doesn't have a category, such as things your character may be carrying, and habits or quirks they might have, etc. ------------ Blank CS: Pilot Name: Gender: Nationality: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Other: ------------ [/hider][hider=A.W.E.]Designation: The name of the A.W.E. Role: A short description of the role of the A.W.E in combat, whether it be sensory disruption or sniping or assassination. Frame: The frame of the A.W.E, choose from light, medium and heavy. Manufacturer: The company that produced your A.W.E. List the bonuses that it gives. > > > Appearance: The appearance of the A.W.E. This can be a short written description, or a picture. Armaments: The weaponry and support systems an A.W.E holds on its person. • • • Shield Strength: The strength of the shield that the A.W.E uses, ranges from none to heavy. Signature Asset: The signature asset of the A.W.E. HUD Add-Ons: The things that are added to an A.W.E.'s HUD to facilitate the pilot's tastes. This can be something such as a heartbeat sensor, heat sensor or projectile estimation. • • Diagnostics: A short summary of you A.W.E.'s potential. List your total points spent (slots is your frame's total, and points is your final number with the free points included), your energy (standard A.W.E. has 3), and your combat ratings (standard is low, average, and high, but you are free to add fun adverbs). Other: Anything missed. ------------ Blanks CS: A.W.E. Designation: Role: Frame: Manufacturer: The company that produced your A.W.E. List the bonuses that it gives. > > > Appearance: Armaments: • • • Shield Strength: Signature Asset: HUD Add-Ons: • • Diagnostics: Other: ------------ [/hider] ____________ [B][U]Rules:[/U][/B] • [U]Obey the GMs[/U] — In general, most tasks and decisions will be left to to Zata, but he and Harbringer are [I]equals[/I]. We each have the power to veto the other, but once a final decision has been made, you are to obey any orders we issue without question or complaint. • [U]Your standard IC rules[/U] — You know, no god-modding, Mary Sues/Gary Stus, etc. Romance is allowed and encouraged, but no cybering. • [U]Spam will be present[/U] — The OOC tends to fill up quickly with the nonsense of the players. If you do not wish to wade through the sea of gibberish that tends to spawn, simply ask if anything important has happened, and someone (usually Zata) will get an answer to you as soon as possible. • [U]No in-fighting[/U] — We are aware of the problems that arise with egos (Zata has a fairly large one), however, we expect any and all disagreements to cease before they reach flame levels. If you find yourself in an argument, wait for Zata or Harbringer to show up. If Zata is the cause of the argument (which may happen), please smack him across the face with a brick. That being said, if either of us notice that you are causing many fights on a frequent basis, and you don't stop when we ask, you will be kicked. ____________ [B][U]Accepted Characters & Players:[/U][/B] 1. ♂ [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/639/posts/ooc?page=1#post-22470]Richard Williams(English) piloting DEMON[/url], played by [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/1058]Harbringer[/url] 2. ♂ [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/639/posts/ooc?page=1#post-17691]Jack Roman(American) piloting Nephesh[/url], played by [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/952]Zata[/url] 3. ♂ [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/639/posts/ooc?page=3#post-115722]Wolfgang Feuer(German) piloting Helios[/url], played by [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/429]BurntBacon8r[/url] 4. ♀ [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/639/posts/ooc?page=1#post-25719]Thessalia Minari(Swiss) piloting Hagelsturm[/url], played by [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/985]Takaru[/url] 5. ♀ [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/639/posts/ooc?page=1#post-54638]Sasha Ivanova(Russian) piloting ULANOVA[/url], played by [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/1516]Rata Tat Tat[/url] 6. ♀ [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/639/posts/ooc?page=6#post-402471]Hu-Shi Zhong(Chinese) piloting Ex-Road[/url], played by [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/170]ERode[/url] ____________ [hider=Dorm Layout][img]http://i1364.photobucket.com/albums/r737/ZataEmail/DormRoom_zpsbb33345b.png[/img][/hider]