The chase was on. The pair of experiments dashed through the halls, skidding around corners and ducking and pushing through crowds of alarmed whitecoats. Most of them were so shocked and appalled, that they didn't think to reach out and grab either one of the renegades. They ran on, burning on adrenaline alone. The boy led on. He knew that the end was in sight. At the turn of this corridor was an exit door, always left unlocked for ‘fire safety’ purposes. There was even a big glowing EXIT sign above. The taller of the two put on a burst of speed, crashing over a wheeling cart and tumbling to the floor. He quickly shook it off, staggering up onto his feet and pushing on the door, hard. It didn't budge. He shoved it again with more momentum. It was locked. He looked back for the girl, heart catching in his throat. There was no way that this was it. This was supposed to be freedom. There had to be a mistake, there had to be another way. [i]Anything.[/i]