[hider=CS] Name: Adam Summers Gender: Male Appearance: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/68/79/35/6879355d92d2e9998b62a4cdc2870b7d--touken-ranbu-ookanehira-cool-anime-guys.jpg[/img] Age: 26 Job: Federation Pilot, First Lieutenant. Personality: Adam Tends to be rather level headed and calm at most situations and tends to be rather sarcastic and casual person outside of combat, though is quite approachable and can be quite unprofessional at times and a bit pessimistic and with a slight dark sense of humor. Though in more serious situations he displays a demeanor akin to a soldier that fought in both wars being more stoic and more focused on dealing with the enemy, though enters the occasional banter and dishes out the occasional sarcastic comment. He tends to focus more on the safety of other members on the crew and tends to be rather reckless in the fact that he puts the safety of others above himself, which had lead to a couple of injuries in his military career, though luckily for him none of them were quite enough to end to force him to retire or put him in a body bag. He can usually be seen taking walks around the base or in the kitchen when he has a chance. He tends to have a smoke when he gets stress out about the situation and often tries to find something interesting happening and try to help out if there's an issue. He prefers to be addressed by his first name and usually not much for formalities. He also likes to customize his own belongings such as his PT and his own pilot suit and tries to get something from the countries he visits. Other than that he's a firm believer in the practice makes perfect school of thought. Skills: Adam has a hobby in cooking and tends to join in on the preparations on the cooking staff when he has the free time and has the skills to be a professional chef if he wasn't a professional solider. He holds the distinction of being an ace pilot so he has considerable amount of skill in PT piloting as well as above average in marksmanship. He is fairly intelligent and usually a quick thinker and can come up with tactics on the fly, but his fighting style tends to focus more on close quarters combat and his usual go to weapon tends to be the beam saber and has quite the high skill in hand to hand combat and high reaction times. Bio: Adam was born in a small rural town in the United States in California which could be considered to be in the middle of nowhere. It only had a single school and everyone knew each other. Adam was born to the couple who owned the general store and lived in the town for most of his life, usually working part time in his family's business. When the war broke out he decided to join the military, as he wanted more excitement in his life. He went though basic training and was considered nothing notable if not bellow average, however he improved considerably throughout, enough to be considered an ace by the end of it. He was also one of the first to switch over to the Huckebein models and spent in between the Divine Crusader wars and the arrival of the Aerogators assigned to Zeta base in Canada to be an experimental pilot for a new personal trooper and didn't see much action until the arrival of the Aerogators and the project had to be canceled in order to fund the war. He was reassigned on to the moon to guard the construction of several projects including the final readjustments to a Space Noah class ship before abruptly being reassigned back into the frontline at the later half of the war. After the War he was once again reassigned this time to the new UTX unit and he thought it was a rather interesting if not intriguing unit as one focused on the the odd circumstances going on. [hider=Staring Unit] Unit: Huckebein Mk-II M Appearance: [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/superrobotwars/images/d/d7/Huckebein_Mk_II_M_%28dull_blue%29.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111009033959[/img] Weapons: Beam Saber, Photon rifle, G rail gun, Chakram shooter, and Vulcan guns Equipment: Improved thrusters, no explanation needed. Notes: [/hider] [hider=Final Unit] Unit: Fenrir Appearance: [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/cb54/f/2012/253/9/2/fenrir_by_seig_verdelet-d5ea7mo.png[/img] Weapons: Equipment: Notes: Yeah this basically me just claiming this image for later, I don't own this. [/hider] [/hider]