Big girl followed the boy on his heels. She ducked out of the way of the despised doctors and ran as fast as she can, which appeared to be fast enough so far. She'd never dared to try this before. She'd dreamed, but not dared. And now she was daring. She had to succeed. The ones who failed disappeared through the door from which no-one ever came back. Not the experiments at least. She saw the boy bang in to te door to try and open it, but the door didn't budge. She arrived as he tried and failed a second time and saw him panicking. She pushed him aside and grabbed the bar on the door, lifted it as she had seen the smoking doctors do with a similar door back in the room she was allowed to clean every now and then. It took her a few hasty, nearly panicked tries but then the door suddenly shot open. Freedom suddenly truly lay ahead of them. Her heart burst nearly out of her chest from fear that the delay would be their downfall, but she started up again and ran. She ran as fast as she could, begging for that freedom to be real.