[center][h2]Online_Δ Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground_[/h2][/center] KISU was glad to hear some input from everyone. KISU looked from Allegory to Grimsley and then to Duskwalker. "I understand. Thank you." He nodded to Duskwalker. "I have a friend who works for CC.Corp, he's not that close to me but I think he might be able to help us without even knowing it." For now Kohe wanted to put that issue aside. There were risks and he was asking a lot of these strangers. He wasn't just asking for trust but also their strength. He couldn't solve the mystery without their help. "I would be happy to talk about her condition further, you're all also welcomed to meet me offline and we could visit my mother in the hospital. I'm sure she'd love the company." "I suppose a demonstration would be useful first." KISU noted. Roamer watched as KISU took out her large sword and swung it into empty air. At first there was nothing but then there was a small burst of static before a white orb made of steam appeared, much like what one would find atop a Chim Chim. "This is the same energy Chaos Gates use to warp players from place to place. I did some hacking with my weapon in order to rip through the common code in this area. We then use this as a warp point to go into the outer regions of The World. I have only been there twice but it holds a lot of data that players wouldn't ever be able to access." He began to explain. "This orb of steam does attract monsters though, a defense mechanism put in place by the admins. In order to deal with anomalies, monsters are the first line of defense against illegal actions taken inside the game. However due to this being a Lost Ground, the odds of this being detected are pretty low." KISU explained. "So you make these warp points to farm for data?" Roamer asked, still not sure about all of it. "Yes, for now." KISSU replied. "I believe if we retrace her steps and explore the outer layer, we will likely find our what she did and if there was anything unusual about what she did or battled." It was a longshot but it was all he could do at the moment. "I am working on other tricks but this is the best example I can show you. I can also tweak your character and their weapon so you'd be able to warp as well. I've found some rare items so the treasure boxes still seem to spawn there as if in a normal area." KISU said. Allegory still wasn't sure. But what else could be done? "I suppose--" A loud roar sounded and suddenly a monster faded into the large cathedral. It was a large dragon with two heads. It had large purple and golden scales. One head was armed with teeth while the other mouth was spewing steam. The head with the teeth was immune to magic and dealt physical damage while the other used magic while remaining immune to physical attacks. KISU gripped his blade and charged for the head with the pointed teeth. Roamer who was also fairly close and had a large stream of fire blown at him. He lost a chunk of HP and ran towards the front of the room, now firing at the dragon as Allegory quickly healed him. "So much for your theory of not attracting monsters." Roamer called out. It seemed like their attacks weren't doing much damage. With KISU the highest leveled, most of the damage had to come from her. "We can't warp until this thing is killed." KISU gritted his teeth. Normally players could flee a battle using a smokescreen or a speed charm but given the compact area, that would be impossible. KISU swung once again, aiming for the body while trying to avoid the two angry long necks of the monster.