[hider=Natawa Nimiane][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171216/ecabf087bc3d959a759cf4ef1c2402c3.png[/img][hr] [hider=Theme Song][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Mf5p4Toxfw[/youtube][/hider][/center] [b][sub][h3][color=B1A1B8]Name:[/color][/h3][/sub][/b][hr] Natawa Nimiane [b][sub][h3][color=B1A1B8]Alias:[/color][/h3][/sub][/b][hr] Nia Rivers [b][sub][h3][color=B1A1B8]Continent of Birth:[/color][/h3][/sub][/b][hr] Southeastern Waters of Penault [b][sub][h3][color=B1A1B8]Race:[/color][/h3][/sub][/b][hr] Siren [b][sub][h3][color=B1A1B8]Class:[/color][/h3][/sub][/b][hr] Mage [b][sub][h3][color=B1A1B8]Mage School of Foci:[/color][/h3][/sub][/b][hr] Constitution [b][sub][h3][color=B1A1B8]Starter Equipment:[/color][/h3][/sub][/b][hr] Her [url=https://image.ibb.co/csTn9m/ff.png]clothes[/url]. A leather coin pouch containing: Dried Kelp, Shells, Pearls, Coral Beads, and gold from a sunken ship. [b][sub][h3][color=B1A1B8]Age:[/color][/h3][/sub][/b][hr] 22 [b][sub][h3][color=B1A1B8]Personality:[/color][/h3][/sub][/b][hr] Natawa is free-spirited and wants to experience all that life has to offer. She has always been a clever, intelligent and adventurous girl. She can be very blunt, and has a direct way of approaching things, mainly because she doesn't know the social constructs on land. She understands there is more to life than what you see and touch. She is secretive about her world, but that comes with being a Siren. She finds beauty in ordinary things. Do to her naivety about the world, she can come across and innocent and dumb, though she is anything but. She tends to give her trust freely, but once its broken she never fully forgives. Braking a promise to her is the worst possible thing, as its seen as a sin in Sirens terms. [b][sub][h3][color=B1A1B8]Character Traits:[/color][/h3][/sub][/b][hr] [center][h3] [color=B1A1B8] Curious [color=000000]•[/color] Adventurous [color=000000]•[/color] Intelligent [color=000000]•[/color] Perceptive [color=000000]•[/color] Unpretentious [color=000000]•[/color] Naive [/color][/h3][/center] [b][sub][h3][color=B1A1B8]Strengths:[/color][/h3][/sub][/b][hr] Quick learner Can breath underwater Observant Adept in constitution magic Good eyesight [b][sub][h3][color=B1A1B8]Weaknesses:[/color][/h3][/sub][/b][hr] Clumsy on land Ignorant about the cultures, and customs on land Ice Can not read or write No fighting skills whatsoever [b][sub][h3][color=B1A1B8]Fears:[/color][/h3][/sub][/b][hr] The extinction of her people Dark Elves Death Pain [b][sub][h3][color=B1A1B8]History:[/color][/h3][/sub][/b][hr] Nimiane was born deep in the ocean off the southeastern coast of Penault. She and her family along with hundreds of other sirens became displaced as the toxic waters of Oceana Abyssal expanded into their region of the ocean. She grew up in a cove in and around the caves surrounding Oceana Abyssal. Unfortunately she was seven years old when a group of dark elf slavers raided the hidden cove. Natawa along with a dozen other sirens were taken. She was kept in a dungeon with the others for months. Things such as their blood, scales, tears, and hair were harvested bit by bit as dark elf mages tested the magical properties of Sirens. Rescue thankfully came, and she escaped with the surviving few. She was taken in by a siren woman named Oona. Finding her parents became a impossibility, as the Oceana Abyssal toxic waters seeped into the migration paths between the oceans. If her parents were still alive they would have to cross deadly ocean, or land to find her. She and Oona lived deep down in the underwater cavern city the Sirens call Kembre. Over time it became a refuge for the influx of displaced and wary sirens running from the dark magic. Natawa and her friends spent their spare time in a Lagoon in the mountains near Brithomdale. This is were she would meet a Foreas boy, and learn the land language. All the while the adults and leaders of the sirens debated the best course of action to save their people. The deadly waters were ever expanding. Even their innate shield magics could only do so much. Sirens were dying by the thousands, and many were left without the ability to change back into their true forms, thus land locked with legs in an alien world. Seeking the source of the poisonous water was and option, but others thought migrating to the Alexandrian ocean would be best. The strongest sirens have been tasked with blending in with the landfolk, and learning their ways, and if possible finding the safest path to the Alexandrian ocean, or finding and eliminating the source of the toxic water. She volunteered to help, and has now been on dry land in human form for a day. After stealing something to wear off a clothes line she is semi dressed and observing her surroundings. [hr] [center][img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/58d2/f/2013/126/9/2/commission_rhea_by_zippora-d64amru.jpg[/img] [hider=Siren Form] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c8/92/59/c89259987150458645072d00e73eaade.jpg[/img] She has be submerged in salt water to change fully back into a siren. If she is dry, she is in human form. Fresh water doesn't change her only salt water. Even outside the water in human form their are some subtle signs that she's not all human. Like faint lines on her neck and the sides of her torso, where gills would be. Patches of iridescent scales appear under moonlight. She has shimmery skin in general. Her eyes are a gold color, and actually appear to look semi metallic. [/hider][/center][/hider]