At the need to find a drink, the place to go without a doubt was Hogsmeade. While it was late, the shops were still open, well aware that that the teachers needed to let off some steam prior to school starting. Even though Fianna intended to go in the morning, she had no qualms about stopping into the village of shops for a drink. Hell, she'd climb through a blizzard if it meant there would be a nice pint of whiskey waiting for her on the other side of hell frozen over. Fianna showed Gabrial the area and he seemed quite enchanted by the simple homey shops. It was a gem and she was sure everyone who visited Hogsmeade, fell in love with it in some manner of fashion. Students likely loved the freedom away from Hogwarts while others might love its homemade items or comforting beverages. No matter the glint in one's eye, there was something for everyone at Hogsmeade. At the mention of sweets and alcohol, it was easy to predict where the pair would end up settling. "Oh yes, it's a beauty in th' snow." She nodded to Gabrial. "I truly envy the lucky who get to work here, it must be a charmin' life to lead." She considered. Of course Hogsmeade didn't really open until Hogwarts did so it had to be seasonal work for the majority of owners, which was probably stressful. But every owner seemed to be proud of their work and not too stressed about making tons of money. "A lot of these places have seen generations of witches and wizards grow up right in front of their eyes. Third years and up get to venture into Hogsmeade on the weekends but only if they're in proper academic standin' and have gotten permission from their parents. It's something a lot of students look forward to, a wee bit o'freedom beyond the walls of the school." Fianna said as she lead them to Honeydukes at the end of one of the small streets which were littered with cobblestones and bits of green grass poking around the flat weathered stones. "Honeydukes is likely ta be your second home if it's sweets and booze you're after." She told him as she opened the door for him and stepped in after him. "They've got gobs of chocolate and candy, it's run by this adorable husband and wife. They've got a good supply of whiskey, wine and the like. But butterbeer is what they're known for. It's not terrible alcoholic but for the teachers, they do add a bit more for us." She nudged him a bit as she picked a small table and sat down, waving two fingers at the portly man behind the counter, signalling for two drinks. "It's sweet and tangy, like butterscotch mixed with whiskey. It's marvelous."