Rosa had stopped at Wesville breifly in preparation for the final leg of her journey. She sacrifced a whole day doing little more than resting and resupplying, her reasoning being that she could hardly fight a lich or an undead horde while so exhausted. However, the next day, she was on her way again. This portion of her journey went considerably differently to the rest. She had no experience with the desert, and wasn't willing to take her chances with it when so much was at stake. Instead, she searched for and met someone who could help her - the leader of one of the caravans that travelled through Rzail, cashing in on the wide berth that more cautious tradesmen gave it by shortcutting and reducing costs. He agreed to let Rosa travel with them, on the agreement that she protected the caravan from bandits, undead, and so on for her portion of the journey, and that she provide her own food and water. After this was settled, they were soon on the move. After some time travelling, Rosa spotted two figures silhouetted against the sand. Both humanoid, but one with a small but noticable amount of bulk around them, probably some kind of armour, and not the medieval kind, either. Which meant that at least one of these was an off-worlder with access to highly advanced gear. Why would someone so equipped travel so far? Rosa was hardly a genius, but she knew the answer to that one, and it didn't surprise her; it struck her as unlikely that she'd be the only one keen to avoid planetwide destruction, so she'd already anticipated the presence of others. After a brief argument, she managed to convince the caravan leader to wait for her for fifteen minutes or so, and walked down the sand dune towards the pair with a degree of haste, though, obviously, not to the point of running.