Trex blinked a bit surprised as the exceed launched forward attaching itself to his leg. "Uh..." He looked down at the exceed and then up again. This was a bit awkward. Then of all times to show up, Zelia came around the corner. Giving a polite forced smile, he just listened to her laugh at him. Right. He rolled his eyes when she talked to the exceed. It wasn't that he was hard it was more like...focused. He didn't have a lot of time to get sidetracked with pleasantries - though when the job called for it he could. Shrugging at Zelia's question, he looked down at the little exceed. "Where did you last see your friend?" He asked not completely agreeing but willing to help. Maybe he just lost him. It was a large city, maybe they would find him quickly. "What guild is he from?" He asked. There was a few major guilds here in the capitol. All they would have to do is take him to his guild and he'll find his friend. When the exceed said they weren't part of any guild and went into the story of how he woke up several months ago with the dragon slayer gone. Trex frowned slightly. That seemed strange. Why would the dragon slayer leave? It just seemed...strange. "Did you two get into a fight?" He inquired curious. When the exceed shook his head, tears starting to show Trex cleared his throat awkward. "Don't worry, we'll help." He promised. He never did like seeing someone small crying. Or anyone for that matter. Not if he could do something about it. He looked at Zelia. "We can take him back to Fairy Tail. Maybe Natsu, Gajeel, or Wendy will know where this Gyatsu is." He replied. It would take them a bit longer before heading to the farm but maybe they could help the little guy out. He looked back at the exceed. "What's your name?" He inquired not knowing what to call it. When it gave its name he nodded. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Trex and you've already meet Zelia." He looked back at her. "We should probably head back to the wagon. Skye and Trex will be wondering where we are at." He looked at Bodo. "We have a bit of a ways to go." He told the exceed. "But I'm sure you'll like Flynn and Skye. They have a pretty fun game they can teach you." He stated walking back toward the wagon. Seeing it parked on the side, he glanced over at Zelia as she mentioned that they weren't heading back. "What?" He inquired. "Why?" As she explained he nodded. That actually sounded like a good idea. Though, he had been hoping Bodo would hang out with the youngest member, maybe getting her to open up a bit. Females always seemed to like little animals thinking they're cute so it might. But it worked. This way after Zelia and him talked to Natsu and Gajeel about this Gyatsu, they could head to his parents farm. It wasn't that he didn't want Skye and Flynn along it was more of a matter of saving face as he knew his brothers would undoubtedly do something crazy. Besides, Skye was a bit fragile at the moment and he wasn't sure if his brothers would not overdue their teasing. Something they were really good at doing. Skye had been impressed at the way Flynn had just smoothly tossed it in when Zelia have much time to argue let alone discuss it. "Smooth." She said jumping in the back and packing everything up. Sure they were in the middle of a game but they hadn't gone far. Quickly remembering where the pieces to set it up later, she put them all away. As soon as the wagon came to a stop, she grabbed Flynn's bag along with hers and jumped out. Handing Flynn his bag, she waited for Trex and Zelia returned. She would actually prefer to leave now and avoid the goodbyes but it would be rude. So she waited until they came out of the alley. She frowned at the little cat seeming to cling close to Trex. What was that? Why did they have a cat? Trex paused in front of Flynn and Skye seeing that they were ready to go. "Eager to get started?" He smirked pulling out the reward. Diving it up, he handed each one their share. "Oh, and before you go, this is Bodo. Bodo this is Flynn and Skye." He said remembering his manners. Eager to go, Skye thanked Trex and put the money in her bag. Then he introduced the cat. That was a bit weird but she wasn't going to say anything. Supposedly the dragon slayers at Fairy Tail had their own cats, flying ones at that, but what they could do she really hadn't paid much attention. The articles she read up on the guild were mainly focused on the wizards not their pets. She ignored the few articles on the cats not sure why they wasted time on a creature that could only fly and meow. Then, Bodo spoke startling her. Quickly composing herself she stared at it amazed. Glancing back at it as she headed after Flynn she waited until they were a bit before whispering to him. "It can talk." She stated. "How is that possible?"