[center] [h3][url=https://discord.gg/8FfwAk8]Discord[/url][/h3] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/e/e7/Knightfall1.png/revision/latest?cb=20130208032859[/img] [b][h3][color=yellow]S T A R W A R S[/color][/h3] [h1][color=Black]J E D I E X I L E[/color][/h1][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSvh0FfcMSI][i]“This is Master Obi Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic, have fallen with a dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi. Trust in The Force. Do not return to the Temple…that time has past. And our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged. Our trust. Our faith. Our friendships. But we must persevere. And in time, a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you, always.”[/i][/url] The Clone Wars have raged across the galaxy for several years, the battle of CORUSCANT signalled a turning point in the war, the death of COUNT DOOKU starting a cascade of events that would lead to the SEPARATIST ALLIANCE losing ground. However, just when the end of the darkness appeared to be in sight the treacherous SHEEV PALPATINE, also known as DARTH SIDIOUS, leader of the GALACTIC REPUBLIC executed an order that would change the galaxy forever. [b]ORDER 66.[/b] You sensed this, even from deep within the outer rim. A scout vessel working for the Jedi Order and the Republic to find long lost artifacts and hyperspace routes in the far reaches. The pain of the Jedi being wiped out couldn’t be avoided, it reverberated through the ships from the master aboard - Azure down to the youngest Padawan. The call to return to the temple was received, however long before the [i]Reclamation[/i] could return to Coruscant a new message was sent out, a warning to stay away from the Jedi Temple, and the Republic. Now they must decide what they should do, formerly heroes of the Republic, now as enemies of the Empire they must enter Exile… [hr] [b]CANON:[/b] The current canon we will be using is what's known as DisneyCanon, or the current canon of the media being published as we speak. A list of canonical articles that are likely to be referenced in this RP are: [hider=Articles] [i]The Phantom Menace[/i] [i]Attack of the Clones[/i] [i]The Clone Wars[/i] [i]Marvel: Obi-Wan and Anakin.[/i] [i]Dark Disicple[/i] [i]Revenge of the Sith[/i] [/hider] Elements may also be taken from other canonical sources. In terms of the Legends/DisneyCanon debate, I will always take the DisneyCanon side if it exists, however I do not mind people using Legends canon and even twweaking it a little bit if necessary so long as it is tasteful and works. [hr] [b]RP Lore:[/b] More will go here in the morning when I am not exhausted. [hider=The Reclamation] [center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/0/09/Crucible-TCWs5BR1.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/500?cb=20131019062136[/img][/center] The [i]Reclamation[/i] is an older Jedi Training Cruiser, the Jedi Order once comissioned thousands of these vessels to be built however many have fallen into disrepair over the years or have been destroyed. Its a small cruiser, under one hundred metres in length only requiring a crew of two however it can be piloted by only one person if required, or said pilot has a droid to perform calculations. Lightly armoured and armed it relies on speed to get out of trouble. It's been specially fitted with an advanced sensor suite and hyperdrive to help fulfill it's purpose as a scout and exploration vessel. [/hider] [hr] [/center] [i]1.[/i] While I am open to Input, like many RP's GMs word is law. [i]2.[/i] No killing off other player characters/Important NPCs with just one hit. Discussion needs to happen OOC and agreements need to be made that said... [i]3.[/i] If you do something incredibly stupid, such as putting your character right in the way of a turbolaster blast. They're probably going to die, while I want to avoid having anyones chars/npcs die when they don't want them too, try to act logically with them to preserve their life. [i]4.[/i] Please keep faction growth realistic, if you are in charge of a faction. [i]5.[/i] No Metagaming/Powergaming. [i]6.[/i] This Roleplay is going to contain some slightly more mature themes, blood, gore and swearing is allowed however should be kept tasteful (no doing it just for the sake of doing it). Anything in regards to what you are doing to that alien hooker, we don't need to know. [i]7.[/i] Keep Collabs [b]SHORT[/b]. Collabs should be used for rapid pace fight scenes/dialogue between characters in order to prevent short posting, however they should not run [i]on and on and on[/i] as this limits other players. Post it regularly so that if someone else wants to join in they have the opportunity. [i]8.[/i] Like Star Wars. [i]9.[/i] Respect eachother. [i]10.[/i] Have fun. [center] [hr] [b]Character Sheets[/b] Currently open roles are: 2x Jedi Knight, 3x Jedi Padawan, 1x Pilot, 1x Chief Engineer and 1x Co-Pilot. [/center][code] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Species:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Equipment:[/b] [b]Skills:[/b] [b]Abilities:[/b] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [b]History:[/b][/code][center] I encourage you to take liberties with this template. [hr] [b]Other:[/b] Disclaimer: I am tired. This will be edited in the morning. It's just I have gained enough interest to fill all roles, so I may as well throw up an OOC. [/center]