[hider=Heidi Keller] [center][img]https://cdnw.nickpic.host/okcej1.jpg[/img][/center] [b][u]Name: [/u][/b] Heidi Keller [b][u]Age: [/u][/b] Fourteen [b][u]Birthday: [/u][/b] January 5th [b][u]Sex: [/u][/b] Female [b][u]Ethnicity: [/u][/b] Caucasian [b][u]Nationality: [/u][/b] Swiss [b][u]School Year :[/u][/b] Fifth [b][u]Blood Status: [/u][/b] Halfblood [b][u]Hogwarts House: [/u][/b] [b]Gryffindor -[/b] [i]"You were ultimately place in Gryffindor, but the Sorting Hat seriously considered putting you in Ravenclaw. You are a natural born leader, often taking control of the reins from others whose recklessness or dedication to facts and knowledge clouds their judgement. You are intelligent, but acknowledge that there are more important things in life, and therefore aim to use your intelligence and determination to fight for what you believe to be right. Your slight compatibility with Slytherin house suggests a determination to succeed, though not at the expense of traits from your more dominant houses."[/i] [b][u]Pet: [/u][/b] Hans the snowy owl [b][u]Boggart: [/u][/b] Heidi's boggart is none other than an enormous Burmese python, the very same she first encountered in the London zoo. She had crept up to the snakes display to take a look but the otherwise docile snake had other plans, charging at the display glass separating them giving the poor girl quite a bit of a shock. It was safe to say that she was terrified of all snakes ever since, no matter the size. It's humorous form is that of a pink-scaled snake adorned with an equally outrageous pink feather boa guaranteed to get a giggle out of almost anyone. [b][u]Wand: [/u][/b] English Oak with phoenix feather, 12 inches, unyielding [b]English Oak -[/b] [i]"A wand for good times and bad, this is a friend as loyal as the wizard who deserves it. Wands of English oak demand partners of strength, courage and fidelity. Less well-known is the propensity for owners of English oak wands to have powerful intuition, and, often, an affinity with the magic of the natural world, with the creatures and plants that are necessary to wizard kind for both magic and pleasure."[/i] [b]Phoenix Feather -[/b] [i]"This is the rarest core type. Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike. Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are also the hardest to tame. [/i] [b][u]Favourite Lesson: [/u][/b] [b]Defence Against the Dark Arts [/b] [i]She has always been the brave sort who loved to face her fears especially when it came to all sorts of magical creatures, so Defence Against the Dark Arts became a natural pick for her. Heidi found the ability to defend herself and others from the these creatures and the Dark arts especially important, and the curriculum learnt also helped further foster her interest in duelling, as her knowledge of both defensive and offensive magic grew. This was no surprise to anyone that knew her.[/i] [b][u]Least Favourite Lesson: [/u][/b] [b]Divination[/b] [i]Heidi had always found Divination boring. While others had found themselves mystified and in awe by the subject, it had no such effect on her. She found all the Inner eye mumbo-jumbo the professor loved to mutter about incessantly annoying, but somehow could still see the benefits of studying such a subject. Divination was one of the most difficult magical arts to master, even more so if the student did not have the sight. She'd never particularly found herself gifted in the sight and perhaps that could have led her to this frustration and annoyance with the subject. She frequently had her mind on other things after all.[/i] [b][u]Extracurricular Activities: [/u][/b] Quidditch (Gryffindor Seeker), Duelling club [b][u]Appearance: [/u][/b] Heidi’s distinct features are adorned with a pair of chocolate brown doe-shaped eyes that sparkle with a hidden sense of determination and passion. Framed by light lashes, they are expressive and one can often tell her emotions through them. Her slender and slightly pointed nose comes from her father and helps balance the rest of her facial features nicely. Her straight locks are a dark shade of chestnut brown that she usually wears down unless an activity requires otherwise, then those brown locks would be tied up in a simple ponytail or tied up in a bun for ease of movement. She has a slim figure but without a doubt physically fit as she loves to engage in sports. Her complexion is clear and her skin tanned with a hint of golden undertones. Whenever she feels embarrassed or angry, her skin tends to flushes easily, becoming rosy pink. [b][u]Personality: [/u][/b] Being brave and adventurous has been something Heidi has never lacked from a young age. Being afraid of hardly anything, she would be keen and curious enough to try everything and give it at least a go. Always chipper and energetic, there’s hardly any downtime with her, and she’ll always be going off doing something, or on route to doing some crazy activity. It isn’t wrong to say that she leads a hyperactive lifestyle and loves getting her hands dirty and getting into the middle of things. She enjoys other people taking an interest in her activities and sometimes don’t even mind them getting into her space. Of course, that’s on the condition that they don’t intrude on her principles and freedom and she hopes they return in kind. She enjoys sharing her experiences, especially with the people she cares about. Despite her appearance, she very much grew up as a tomboy, more interested in roughing it out in the dirt with the boys rather than having tea-party with the girls and their dolls. While she can appear to be simple at a glance, she is actually more enigmatic than she seems to be. Friendly but private, calm but suddenly spontaneous, extremely curious but unable to stay focused on her literary studies, she can be difficult to predict, even to her loved ones and closest friends. She is intensely loyal and steady, but her commitment to activities can shift on a whim whenever the burst of impulsive energy in her explodes into a different direction. Her impulsive nature often sees her as the first one who tells an insensitive joke, get overly involved in someone’s life, roughhouse and play around without a regard for the individual’s feelings. Even with these faults, her optimistic and vivacious nature makes her naturally likable and easy enough to befriend. [b][u]Backstory: [/u][/b] Heidi was born on a chilly November morning to Luther and Greta Keller in Zürich, Switzerland. The end of Autumn was approaching ever so steadily as the beginning of winter began to gradually show its signs. The temperatures had begun to dip even further than it had before, and perhaps it was something about being born in such a period that eventually made the girl grow up to be nonchalant about the cold. Luther was an exceptional watch-maker who also dabbled in clock-making, and he owned a fine little shop in the city center. His wife Greta was a cook, and often spent her time raising Heidi and helping out her husband with his business. The Kellers were half-bloods who were just as in touch with the Muggle world as they were the Magical world. Having a foot in both worlds was a great way to do business, as everyone needed to keep time. At the age of nine, the Kellers immigrated to London, England in the United Kingdom. The Swiss homeland was saturated with watchmakers and Luther wanted to make a carve a niche for himself in the British scene. The girl was given the reason that her father was pursuing new business opportunities and she left it at that, too young and unbothered to care otherwise. Heidi was always brought up to treat people indiscriminately regardless of their blood status. Unless they have given her a reason to distrust them, she always gives them the benefit of the doubt. She grew up being fluent in both English and German and can easily switch between the two easily and seamlessly. Her first few years in Hogwarts went well, and she made her fair bit of friends. With a great passion for Quidditch, she tried out for the Gryffindor seeker position and was eventually given the opportunity to represent the house on the team. She has never slackened in both her studies and duties and always challenges herself with better goals. Heidi is still somewhat undecided on what she wants to do after she graduates and thus keeps her options open. [b][u]Extra: [/u][/b] Heidi is fluent in both English and German, although she does has a tendency to curse in German sometimes. Old habits die hard. [/hider]