[b]Astaroth Quintus[/b] Within a dingy tavern, Astaroth Quintus sat, tankard in hand, working up the willpower to take another swig. He didn't exactly what he was drinking or where it came from, but it was vile. It was to be expected that decent drinks would be in short supply out here in the middle of uncivilized nowhere, but perhaps demons found it more palatable than humans. Gathering his mental fortitude, he lifted it to his mask, opened a spacial rift on the surface his mask with the index finger of his free hand, and poured it through the weak disturbance, emerging on the inside of his mask into his mouth. He winced throughout, but managed to swallow it without gagging. Here he was, a master of forbidden magics, a manipulator of eldritch energies and the fabric of space, struggling to finish a tankard. He wasn't sure if this was the high or low point of his life. Perhaps it was simultaneously both. Fortunately, before he could subject himself to the disgusting beverage any further, his attention was turned to the outside, where through a window he discerned a newcomer, a blond, human-looking fellow accompanied by a towering demoness. Astaroth almost immediately recognized the man as the one depicted in the sketches circulated through the town- the sketches depicting the demon king candidate that Avici was being handed over to. The sorcerer bolted out of his chair and made for the door. This was an opportunity he had been looking forward to- the opportunity to vie for a position in the new ruler's retinue. It was, in fact, the reason he had stayed in the town, scraping by as a hedge wizard. And now, when the candidate finally arrived, his inattention almost caused him to miss it. He exited the tavern and made his way to the man, careful as to keep his distance from both the candidate and his giant companion. He was nervous and almost hesitated, but the prospect of failing in this endeavor (and perhaps a bit of alcohol) pushed him forward. Good day sir," he began, "Are you...um...the Demon King's candidate that we have been expecting?" His introduction wasn't as smooth at it could be, but he at least didn't flub it up too badly.