[@Rockin Strings]: Statement stands. No, no, and if you're too lazy to even give me a basic overview of the character's abilities why should I be active enough to have to seek it for myself, especially when you'd be [i]writing the form anyways[/i]? I may sound like a jerk right now, and I probably am, but I expect at least some modicum of effort from people aside from "just youtube it" being shoved in my face, since I'm literally only maaaybe seeing gameplay without any concrete information other than maybe "slashy slashy". It's the effort that counts, man, and I'm seeing none of it here. Besides, didn't it [i]just[/i] get reiterated that we're accepting no 'blank-slate' characters? Like, less than three posts ago reiterated? Do I have to put a clause in the OP saying that YES, IT DOES INDEED INCLUDE MAIN CHARACTERS FROM THE ELDER SCROLLS? Actually, while I'm at it, I should make clear why Ryuk cannot, should not, and WILL not be accepted. Him being in here means the existence of the Death Note, which, bloody hell, is an INSTANT KILL BOOK. Like, something like that in an RP is a goddamn MACGUFFIN, not some toy to be whipped out willy-nilly. You give that to a character, LITERALLY ANY CHARACTER, and they become a priority threat to be removed INSTANTLY. You leave the Death Note up, you are giving a person the literally WRITE ANY CHARACTER/RPER THEY DO NOT LIKE OUT OF EXISTENCE. No, I don't [i]care[/i] if Ryuk is only talking, if he arrives, it's the entire package deal, which means there is LITERALLY NO FUN ALLOWED UNTIL IT IS GONE. And it that's gone, Ryuk's gone. Moot point. And no, I am not going to be using something as busted as 'the power to instantly remove any person from existence' as a plot device anyways, nor would I want to. It's cheap, it's tacky, it's a boring, half-assed way of pushing people to remove a threat which, for all intents and purposes, is a walking existential crisis waiting to happen. (Besides, it's only interesting as a plot device in Death Note because L and Light exist; Death Note was a psychological thriller, not a goddamn 'Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe' thing.) -deep breath- Geez, if anything ticks me off, it's people telling me I should do the work they should be putting up instead. Guess that bled over. Anyways. Next. (And yes, I am irate right now.) [@cool beaner]: Yeah, I know, I saw the stuff above. I was giving you a pass because you're new to the site. =w=;; In any case, yeah. Figure out something that can either be brought into line with the other characters (we're surprisingly high-power overall, but there's still a limit) or nerfed into power. Underpowered can also be brought up to power over the course of the RP, but you'd have to be willing to slowly build to that point.