Nah, the dragon should be the antagonist. We'll fight for the humans. Not because they're good, kind, decent things, but because it's the right thing to do. Because they don't all deserve what their enemies wish upon them. [hider=Intro Proposal] The King stood upon the balcony, looking on as the dragon destroyed his forces. It was the same dragon he once looked up to, the same one he'd poured out his heart and soul to, the same one who now sought to kill him. How had it come to this? Why must he slay his only true friend in the world, the only creature he'd ever loved and trusted with his life? [i]I've been a fool,[/i] he thought to himself. Fliers on unicorn pegasi and griffins tangled in the sky with enemy wyvern riders for aerial supremacy. The confused winds pushed and tugged as battlemages slung their deadly elemental bolts at the foreign hordes. The earth shuddered with the impacts. Men and beasts spilt their blood by the thousands upon the green. Every one of them breathed his last so that millions more could breathe again. On the other side of the field, the great dragon lifted up his head and beheld the King, the only human he'd ever called 'son.' Many times he'd reached out to the man, calling for reconciliation even while the sting of betrayal hung in the air. But the young king wouldn't, couldn't listen. [i]I've been a fool,[/i] the dragon thought to himself. Legions of orcs threw themselves at the human lines. Thousands of loyal soldiers cried out and silenced, never to be heard again. Their bodies would be discarded without ceremony, and every memory of their existence would be wiped from the common memory. Veterans would sing songs and write poems of how many brave orcs they murdered while widows and orphans wept in the streets. [i]But I will remember them.[/i] The dragon stepped out to greet the battle. [i]I will remember, and I will avenge.[/i] [/hider]