[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/301690986252206080/380056308411400202/Rika.gif[/img] [@Aewin][@AimeChambers][/center] Rika slipped out of the kitchen and dining room not really speaking to anyone before going out into the hallway, the hallways all had the same dull colors as usual, steel plates screwed into the frames of where windows would be, they were still massive in size and looked like something that came from a cartoon. The floor was cold to her feet as she wandered around the hospital in circles as her mind went back to a different time; she remembered when she would start most of her weekends with a light jog around her old neighborhood, the smell of roses and fresh cut grass hitting her nose, her neighbors waving to her and greeting her as she would go by.Then later in the day she would meet her friends and they would just do any and everything they could to have fun together, memories of Karaoke and losing a ton of pocket change and sometimes a lot of her money only to be rewarded for her efforts with a single stuffed animal. The memories soon faded, leaving Rika staring at her scarred hand; she wrapped the bloodied cloak around her body better before Monokuma spoke up talking about new people arriving to the grinder, she wondered which of them would kill first or be killed, at this point she was expecting someone to be murdered by tomorrow and for people to be surprised by it when we're all going to die in here with no real way out, we could make it to the very top of the hospital where all the more experimental stuff happens and we would still be stuck inside this place till we'd go to the basement and find all the old junk and furnace. These new people were just targets or killers waiting to take advantage of anyone here that could show a bit of weakness in any sort of way; she looked over her recorder again, it was just the same as when she last looked at it, cracks and fissures trailing across the plastic body, the clear thin plastic that housed the tapes was filled with cracks that distorted the old clear look it use to have, the only thing it had left keeping it all together was reflective duct tape. This little device was her only weakness and she knew she would need to keep it safe from others who would try to do what Quill did; then Monokuma spoke on the intercom again, talking about Aleecia, the former mummy had a flashback to remembering the name and the woman who held it, she was a blind or partially blind person the last time she met her, she remembered the cold hands feeling her bandages and her hands coming in contact with her own, in a way she was one of the few who actually could look Rika in the face without being disgusted or feeling sorry for her, or at the least that is how she thought the blind woman felt about her. She began heading off towards whichever way these pods were, and as she wandered around to go find the place she spotted Ice and Krista from afar, she ducked around a corner peeking out at the two, part of her was hoping the stench of Quill did not stick to her cloak and flow down the other end of the hall, once the two set off to what she could believe was the pods, Rika followed after them to go see her friend, she was ready with chilled hands to meet Aleecia's hands, and wanted the blind girl to feel her face.