[center] [color=39b54a]Donovan was one to never be seen in public spaces, as he didn't like them. That is why the orphanage was such a place for him. Away from any onlookers and, the most important one, away from any Secret Service looking men. Looking at the hair-raising, spine-chilling building, Donovan simply pushed down any emotions that might make him seem scared, as he simply walked forth, entering the orphanage through the front door as another [color=fff200]Boy[/color] followed strangely behind him. Upon entry, the first thing he'd notice would be the sweet, calming sound of music, thus, he'd follow it, ending up in the Music Room as he was one of the last few to arrive there. Given, he'd also be confused. Were these also people part of the group? Who knew. One thing was for sure though, he was about to find out.[/color] ----------------- [color=f7941d][i]"So this is that Orphanage..."[/i][/color] [color=fff200]Was his first reaction upon stopping on the front part of the building. It wasn't really all that, at least, from what he could see. He was able to catch a glimpse of the other [color=00a651]boy[/color] entering, but that was it. Taking two deep breaths, Luka would enter the Cage, unbeknownst to him what awaited. All he had to say, was that the Orphanage was nothing as to what he expected it to be. The interior was nothing but opulent, a big change from your run of the mill orphanage. To put it simply, he was lost in the appearance of the building. Bag over his left shoulder, he decided to explore further into the Orphanage, wandering around in search of god knows what.[/color] [/center]