Pria let out a sigh of relief when Hensen pulled out the suits. It was standard protocol to have a certain amount of suits on-board any ship. She wasn't quite sure how she forgot that. Pria double checked to see if the message she had just activated was jammed or not, but judging by the other two ships speeding away, it seemed like it went through. "Yeah, I just did." She made her way over to him and took one of the suits out of the compartment as well. "Fancy enough to keep us alive" She said with a smile. She started suiting up without another word, and when she had the helmet on she waited for him to be suited up too. Then she was able to use the short term communicators inside the suits. "I don't think the ship will explode or anything, we should be okay to sit inside it while we wait." Unless the console was blaring warnings of such a nature, she didn't intend on going out to open space for no reason. Who knows how far they'd drift away.