[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/sz7cRTg.gif[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/rBQ99TU.gif[/img][/center] Zachary let out a long yawn as he had started to make his way to his caffeinated nectar maker, a small but goofy smile having snuck onto his face as his anticipation grew and grew. How anybody could start their day without enjoying a nice mug of coffee was beyond him. He almost thought it should be some form of crime, if the coffee was a good enough blend. Not that that was the case in this place, but it wasn’t the worst coffee he’d had, either. The man was doing his best to keep the darker thoughts out of his mind at least for the given moment. Two people out of their group had perished yesterday. That was two lives lost in such a short time. On top of this, it had turned out that one of them was merely pretending to be a shy, introverted character. In reality, they were cruel, sadistic, and unforgivable. That… could be true of anybody else here. Well, except Jezebel. She was different. Zachary was sure of this. While there was probably coffee in the dinner on the second floor, the break room was a lot closer. It also wasn't hard to imagine everyone was probably fighting each other to get whatever sort of breakfast Bliss was cooking today. Though when Zachary got to the break room, someone had beat him to the coffee machine. Jezebel was all dressed up with her back pressed against one of the counters.  At a glance it would appear that she wasn't wearing any makeup, but she had simply elected to put on a shade that more closely represented her skin's color. She looked a little glum, staring into the depths of her mug. This was a pretty big contrast to the clown that look so cheerful through most of the trial. Even when Erin was getting executed, Jezebel was cheering at the screen. Though as soon as Zachary entered the room, she lifted her head. As soon as the trickster saw who it was, her smile returned. [color=lightblue]”Oh, hey there!”[/color] She set her cup of joe down before leaning against the counter. [color=lightblue]”I was totally hoping to meet you here. So like, did you want some coffee? I made a full pot, and I can't drink it all.”[/color] Zachary did not answer immediately, nor did he seem to perk up or otherwise respond to Jezebel's presence. Instead, he helped himself to a mug of coffee, wordless, and giving it a moment to cool, drank some. A moment passed. And then another. He had yet to speak a single word for a couple of minutes now, and one might have begun to think something was wrong with him. Until, at long last, he spoke. [color=0076a3]"That's damn good!"[/color] he exclaimed. [color=0076a3]"Thank you very much, I probably would've died during the wait if I had to make it myself."[/color] he continued taking small sips at the coffee after speaking, looking almost as if he hadn't a care in the world right now, in contrast to what Jezebel had initially appeared like. [color=0076a3]"So?"[/color] he leaned back against the counter next to Jez, holding his mug. [color=0076a3]"What's going on with the true Infinite Trickster today? Oh, and good morning, too, I tend to focus on a cup of joe before anything else, sorry."[/color] [color=lightblue]Yea, I'm not that crazy about coffee, but my dad was.[/color] She held her own mug up to her lips. [color=lightblue]It's tre good to have something normal around here.[/color] After taking a sip of her Coffee, She looked at Zach out of the corner of her eye. [color=lightblue] So I think the others kind of showed their true colors last night.[/color] She sighed, but kept her smile up. [color=lightblue]They don't trust us.[/color] [color=0076a3]"...Hmm."[/color] Zachary took a moment to think, and then let out a soft, forced laugh. [color=0076a3]"Well, I mean given the circumstances and my performance in that trial, I really can't blame them for not trusting me."[/color] the Infinite Archer kept his gaze aware from Jez as he said this, perhaps due to embarrassment, as his face had gone a bit red during this time. [color=0076a3]"I'm really not used to spazzing out like that, even when we were dealing with those Sisters..."[/color] [color=0076a3]"...In any case, I trust you, Jez. I just wish I could give you more of a reason to trust me..."[/color] he rubbed the back of his neck, like habit, and continued. [color=0076a3]“Right now, I almost couldn’t care less about the others’ opinions. But that’s probably bad to say right now.”[/color] he confided. [color=lightblue]”Yea like, I think that's really bad to say actually.”[/color] She set down her mug. [color=lightblue]”Like, I can sort of get why some people would think I'm totally out of tune, or such an ass clown. But like, Krista was so sure of Shaun's innocence. Probably not as sure as I was of you but...”[/color] She scratched the side of her head. [color=lightblue]Like, that's a tre dangerous mind set to have.[/color] She looked at the archer again. [color=lightblue]”Former Baldwin #2, the political guy. He could get away with saying all that junk about me because people believed it. They think we're all chummy and junk. I so don't want anything in my 'bulls-eye' right now.”[/color] Jezebel folded her arms. [color=lightblue]”We so need to talk to the others more. We can't spend so much time together.”[/color] Zachary closed his eyes and enjoyed another taste of coffee before responding. [color=0076a3]"I'd like to, but last time I interacted with somebody that wasn't you, a Carnage Sister wearing thigh-highs decided she was going to try to kill me."[/color] he said this like it was supposed to be a joke, but he wasn't smiling. Almost as if he wasn't sure if he was ready to joke about that. Opting out of the awkward silence that might've soon followed, he continued. [color=0076a3]"But I understand what you're saying. Probably. In the very unfortunate event there's a third trial, only one of us is the enemy out there."[/color] The Archer let out of heavy sigh. It wasn't like he hated any of the others, except maybe he had a dislike of Cyrus after the trial, but this wasn't exactly his element. [color=0076a3]"I guess I do owe Calvin an apology."[/color] he said, hinting at the intention of starting there. [color=0076a3]"But I owe you a thanks, first. I... really don't deserve the trust you seem to have in me, not after how I acted. But thanks for sticking up for me at the trial."[/color] [color=lightblue]”Hehehehe.”[/color] The clown's grin returned when she picked up her mug again. [color=lightblue]”You totally need to have more faith in yourself. And maybe keep the lying low, you're so bad at it.”[/color] With one last sip, her mug was empty. [color=lightblue]”I guess I'm going to go see the new people. Like, they'll be easier to break in with and junk. ”[/color] She quickly rinsed out her mug and set it back with the others. [color=lightblue]”What are you going to do?”[/color] [color=0076a3]“...well, apologize to Calvin for not coming clean about the arrows immediately. Even if it was for a second, any doubt to his innocence was my fault. And then from there… I’m really not sure. But I’ll probably have to greet the new Infinites when I get the chance.”[/color] She gave Zachary a nod. [color=lightblue]”Alright, we'll meet up later then. It'll be Tre lit!”[/color] With a wave, the clown disappeared out the door. [hr] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/385033360633757696/390291506373853184/monokuma.gif[/img] [@Vocab][@barnowldaddy][@Kitsune][/center] Lucy, Denis, and Faith all wandered out of their elevators. Lucy was the first to voice her confusion, and someone responded. It wasn't any of the people present however, it was a bear. The same one that appeared on all of the monitors inside their elevators. The floor had parted so that the bear could appear before everyone. [color=magenta] “You know, I'm starting to realize why most killing games introduce all the contestants at the beginning. This repeating myself after every trial thing is annoying.”[/color] Monokuma cleared his throat. [color=magenta] “Fortunately, this is a very comprehensive hospital. We show patience with every patient. But we do expect you to do some of the work yourselves!”[/color] The bear handed an E-handbook to both Denis and Lucy, but not Faith. [color=magenta] “Now I know how you kids are, just waiting to jump into the game. But back in my day, reading the instruction manual before you play a game was very important. So I'm going to give you some of the most important tidbits about this game before you start playing. Mind you that this is just to get you to read the manual.”[/color] He threw his paws into the air. [color=magenta] “Firstly, this is a killing game. In other words, the only way to escape is to kill someone. But it's not quite that simple, because you have to get away without getting caught too.”[/color] Despite the suprise anyone present might have shown, the bear went on, ignoring anything they asked of him. [color=magenta] “Second of all, my four daughters and myself run this joint. The penalty is death for harming any one of us. So it stands to reason that if you want to escape, it can't be one of us.”[/color] The bear's eyes opened up a bit wider. [color=magenta] “Oh! Unless it's the night of carnage. Then it's pretty much a free for all. But don't expect that to help you escape. There might be something else in it for you though. You'll just have to pay attention.”[/color] The bear held his chin, still ignoring everyone around him. [color=magenta] “I guess that's the big stuff. You'll find the rest in your E-handbooks. Just remember Axis Mundi is a hospital, and we're here to cure you of the worst disease to ever take hold of your frail human minds; Hope.”[/color] And with a laugh, the bear descended into the trap door from where he came. Not long after Killgood vanished, Jezebel made an appearance. [color=lightblue]”Hey there! I'm Jezebel, just one of the Betties hanging out around here.”[/color] She waved to Denis and Lucy. [color=lightblue]”You should totally ignore that mean old bear. I mean, like, yea, there are rules and junk. But it's so much more important to get along with everyone.”[/color] She nodded. [color=lightblue]"If you need any help with anything, you can totally rely on me. I haven't been here very long myself."[/color] Faith didn't get very far before Jezebel rushed up to her. With surprising agility, Jezebel was able to rush up to Faith and slam both of her hands on the elevator door behind her. It was loud, and Jezebel's hands might have stung a bit if she wasn't wearing gloves. While the clown wasn't especially tall, Her unusual outfit made her appear much bigger than she actually was. Faith was trapped between Jezebel's arms, the elevator door, and a smile that was broad enough to reach the clown's ears.[color=lightblue]”Fancy meeting you here.”[/color] she giggled like an imp. [color=lightblue]”Like, you've gotta remember me, right?”[/color]