The message waa aent. The ship wouldn't ezplode indees. In fact, aside feom the life support it seemed to be in relatevely good condition. The engine was still working, they hadn't taken the time to aim that last blast very well and they had done cosmetic damage only. You could fly back to the planet while -hopefully- help would come your way. While space suits weren't as rediculously thick now as they had been in the olden days, it was still weird to operate the ship with gloves on. In the meantime you had a very hyper teenage Sumarion aboard, whu seemed to think that what had just happened came riggt out of a comic book and was therefore the coolest thing that had ever happened to him in his obviously very dull life. You were now about the coolest person he'd ever met. He told you so in a very animated manner. "And then your staff just shot out *BOOM* and that other guy was flattened like a Purellian Duckface and they tried to shoot you but your magic stopped them and..." His excited voice rang through the com system, blaating in your ear. You may be relieved of the awful smell the Sumarions brought along witg their breath, his voice just kep droning on straight into your head. In the meantime it would be about ten minutes before you were hailed by the safety department from the planet regarding your diatreas call.