[center][h1][color=7bcdc8][b][sub]WELCOME TO[/sub] HIKARI RYODAN ACADEMY[/b][/color][/h1][img]https://i.imgur.com/qeM3Pn8.jpg[/img][/center] [indent][i]When the world was brought into the Dark Ages by the Great Witch, turmoil blanketed the skies. Pestilence and horror lay in wake of every which way the Great Witch was strewn. Its influence corroding and presence encompassing, it was only by a shining miracle that the Great Witch was beaten back into the Abyss. Warriors of all races and backgrounds, of the humane and supernatural, banded together to cast the creature away from the world and save it. These were the first Dawn Slayers. And centuries later, the world has been rebuilt and rejuvenated under the dutiful eye that continues to protect the world. Times have changed however. A peaceful cooperation between humanity and the paranormal has been established via the Dawn Slayers and academies have sprung up all over for the sake of fostering a new generation. Enter Hikari Ryodan Academy: A pristine school created and headed by the Head Magister, a mage considered to be the strongest of our time. Its purpose is to train Dawn Slayers as well as maintain the balance of the world. The duties of a Dawn Slayer now vary greatly. One's task could be as simple as guiding a lost spirit back to the afterlife or as challenging as slaying a demon that threatens mankind. All culminate into keeping the balance of the world as it should be. Hikari is open to a roster of different and unique creatures with equally unique backgrounds, and welcomes all students who are willing to learn. From mages, humans, and other beings of the paranormal, Hikari is a school that seeks to harmonize all beings in its student body. Make friends, combat the shadows, and carry on. Your life at Hikari Ryodan Academy has only just begun. [/i][/indent][h3][color=7bcdc8][b][sup][u]INTRODUCTION [/u][/sup][/b][/color][/h3][indent] Welcome to your new home, the glorious Hikari Ryodan Academy. It is here where you will be under the instruction of the Head Magister and the rest of the staff here in Hikari. Each of you will receive your own dorms and will be taught in the ways of the Dawn Slayer to protect the balance of the World and keep the forces of the chaos from running rampant. However, a demonic and dark force is rising, overbearing the world as we know it. Hikari Ryodan Academy is strangely receiving more and more students than ever before, suggesting a shift in the paranormal balance. Soon, mysterious occurrences begin happening to students, and rumors are spreading that chaos is afoot. The forces of evil are rising in rebellion, and leading them is an ancient enemy. The only thing keeping this world in balance now is the future generation of Dawn Slayers. The students of Hikari.[/indent]