Dengran nodded his head in understanding at his companion's words. He, at the very least, could understand wanting to find family. Even putting aside making an ally out of Violette (as if the basis hadn't already been established), the possibility of securing a good standing with the people who lived here could, at the very elast, make things like trade relations and information gathering go all the smoother. "Is that so? Then I hope it wouldn't be much of a bother to ask you to help follow me around. It helps you as much as it does I to learn these streets, after all," he commented, coming to a pause just as a small group began to form around him. Sighing, the young man massaged his forehead before clearing his throat and glazing over each of the people who had come forth in turn. "Yes, I am the candidate in question, Dengran Minsau. It is a pleasure to meet all of you, or so I presume," he began, casually bringing his horse off to the side so as to not block off too much of the road that they had been blocking. "But before all else, might I request that you all show [i]some[/i] degree of respect? I do not wish you to be ingratiating, but at the very least [i]introduce[/i] yourselves. Besides, 'You, with the face and the horse' isn't the most flattering of ways to call out to someone—no, anyone, is it?" Clearing his throat, Dengran shook his head before turning toward the one who seemed to be the youngest of the group of newcomers. Unlike the other two, her clothes seemed to be of a more high-quality make, which pointed to her being a part of one of the more well-off families in the area. After all, no one would let a child traverse to Avici all on their lonesome. Probably. After a moment of though, Dengran knelt in front of the girl and patted her shoulder, nodding his head as if to say that he understood her concerns. "Don't worry, little miss. Mark my words, this frontier will become a place worthy of praise once I'm through," he said, smiling before getting back to his feet. "In any case, if you wish to continue speaking, then speak as I walk. I will listen to what you have to say, of course, but I wish to reach the town hall before all else. There is a town hall here, correct? Or... Any other place of governmental authority?" There was a small crack in his mask of charisma here, of course, but Dengran rationalized it as showing that he could be... A little down-to-earth, if anything. Lofty felt like a prerequisite, after all, but that stuffy atmosphere didn't suit him as well as he'd have liked it to. [@TheFake][@Raineh Daze][@Crimson Paladin][@Lucius Cypher][@VitaVitaAR]