Big girl dared not look back, dared not pauze. The gunshot scared her and combined with the cold air it made tears come to her eyes, but she could not afford to look back. If she failed now, if she didn't make it, her short life would end. It was truly all or nothing now. She just hoped the shot hadn't hit the other boy, because if it had she couldn't help him. They'd both be dead. A gate loomed up in front of them, standing there huge and imposing. Curly wire was on top of it, but Big girl had no idea what that meant. All she knew was that she couldn't try and find a way around it, she could only go over. She jumped onto the gate and started climbing, more on adrenalin than on skill. When she reached the wire it cut her hands, but she disn't feel it. It toor her clothes but they were thin and tore off easily. It tore at her legs, but she ignored it. She had to make it. Once on top she dropped herself to the ground on the other side and stubled, her legs not used to the exercise of catching her own weight. She fell and that gave her the opportunity to see how the other boy was faring.