Hey guys, in case you didn't catch it on Discord, I have a pretty hectic schedule this week, so likely the only time I'll have for encounters is in the early morning hours - thats about 6am-9am eastern time. So that being the case, we'll likely have a lot of encounters being done on the OOC thread or in PMs. The best way to get an encounter is to IC. Write a little something about what your character is up to and tag me. It can be anything from walking into a tavern for a drink, casing some manor to rob, or simply going out for a stroll. I'll hit you with a random encounter or get you started on an adventure, or if you're short on time and intend to write an IC later, just give me a shout on OOC. Continue using our bot on Discord for rolls, and I'll check in as regularly as I can to update the encounter and keep things moving forward.