[center][img]https://t00.deviantart.net/6EsfsnpqINWsnkcXNqHaqxffzYA=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre00/ca05/th/pre/f/2013/324/3/2/night_market_by_vitoss-d6uyegs.jpg[/img] [h3][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2UulCWGess&t]Hero's Square[/url][/h3] [i][b]Late Night, 28th of the 6th Moon[/b][/i][/center] [hr] Hero's Square is typically quiet this time of night, especially on a Loreday when most are in bed before heading out for a day's labour come the morning. However, with Founder's Day so close and the city full of visitors, many are in the square setting up stalls, while others are keeping their stalls open late to take advantage of the increase traffic. "Beef on a bun, here!" Shouts one vendor standing over a cook fire, seared beef sizzling and popping over a spit, its aroma filling the square. "I got elixers! Elixers to cure what ails ya!" Shouts one standing over a row of glass vials of assorted colours. "Bits and baubles! Get your bits and baubles!" Cries another, ringing a bell as he calls for customers. Several beggars roam the square, pleading for coppers, and a pair of officers of the watch patrol the area. A small crowd walks the square, visiting the stalls and buying wares, bartering and looking for deals before the day of festivities. The word on most people's lips are the rumours coming out of Slaver's Square. Alarm bells were heard earlier and rumours abound that range from escaped slaves to goblin wizards razing the square. Most trust that the City Watch have it under control as the bells have since ceased. At the east end of the square, a large building overlooks the chaotic arrangement of stalls and pavilions, a sign swinging in the cold breeze reads Trotting Mule Inn. A drunk snoozes on the porch, another looms over his pack mule threatening it with a switch, while merchants and farmers shuffle in and out, some after a drink other heading home to find their bed. The stars shine brightly ahead on this cool, clear night. However it is a moonless night, and shadows creep over the square, breaking for the street lamps that line the edge of the square and the dozens of lanterns that hang over the open stalls. [@rush99999][@dndragons][@Cu Chulainn]