[@1Hawkeyes][@Crossfire] Solomon started to wonder if Agent was going to put him down. It was already embarrassing as it is by how she was holding him. "Yes I seen you before...mostly hear you both causing a ruckus. I saw what happened last time when you two save that girl from that group. I heard it several blocks away and rushed over to see what was going on and heard you both out. I was hiding. And you two clearly didn't need my help. So...this is the 2nd time I've come over to see you two together. And from the sound out it, you two we need all the help you can get." he mentioned. "I'm....eh...Speaker? Shout? Sound...wave? I'm, still workin on the hero name but anyway...I'm on your side..." hearing the way while she came up, she looked too cocky and strong. And from the small of something burning, difficult to get pass. They weren't going to come out of this unscathed. Yes, usually Solomon dealt with people with no powers but how were they going to fair with her. Solomon cringed from the loud pops of his gun but that was when his eyes widened from the flames immediately rushing towards them. Solomon flipped out of the way and dove to the side to notice a mop bucket with a mop in it and smirked. Looked like he found his weapon. he started to unscrew the stick from the "mop hair" part to have use of an improvised bo staff. He was behind a column as well, waiting for the right moment to come in with a full on sonic scream.