Dyn'yer'zhead had gathered most of what belonged to him by the division of the group having entered the treasure room. He had to admit, finding the place to be without malice had been a surprise, that much was for sure. In his mind, he repeated the question he had already asked: Who leaves piles of loot right at the entrance, guarded by naught but a flimsy door and three cerberi? All in all, a lousy attempt at protecting the valuables. Unless the valuables were being tracked somehow. But how? Magical beacons would not make it out of this structure and there were nothing in the sense of more conventional things here either. The theories of the Beholder were interrupted by Jill calling for everyone to come quickly, but with his name being the first on her lips. He swam to her immediately, hearing an unfamiliar voice around the corner before appearing to the scene himself, the many-eyed faux captain just behind the true chief of the party. The new acquaintance that had just promised her aid in the fight against the marid for being helped out of the cell suddenly screamed out, her green eyes laid on Dyn's form. The warnings aimed at Jill would most likely ring to deaf ears as Dyn made a display of slowly slinking over to Jill's shoulder with a tentacle of his touching her arm. "Thank you for the acute observation, I do count myself among the ultimate forms of life. Their king uncrowned, that is I, Dyn'yer'zhead. Now if you would get back to that inside voice of yours, we could have a chat about getting you out of there, whoever you are." If she was not to cease making a racket, the Bladesinger might need to resort to other means, but for now there were other matters on his mind. "Show her the emblem. Maybe she will recognise it", Dyn suggested to Jill before turning his attention back to the imprisoned one, be it that many of his eyes had never ceased observing her. "Before we decide that the enemy of our enemy is our friend, we would like to know why you are here", he asked of her, assuming that she had calmed down enough for such a discussion in the first place of course. [@JBRam2002][@Guardian Angel Haruki]