[@Odin] 1. The sex toy industry has catered to woman for decades, and not a single (worthwhile) man has ever given two fricks. I don't think it's worth the doom and gloom that it was given. Let people do what they want in their own bedrooms. 2. Well the thing is, you're right. No one normal, gets offended by someone saying "good morning" on the street. But that's not the message being pushed by progressives. (Maybe it's just strange because in america we're considered "too friendly" to people outside the U.S but yes, we strike up conversation with strangers...that's what social interaction is. *this is a general statement*) [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwdoXbxFwuY[/youtube] 3. I wouldn't say making up lies about rape statistics is exactly progressing anything forward. In fact I'd say it's backtracking progress made by sex positive feminists. (I guess maybe that could refer to the rating of '0' part too?) Though still feels disconnected to the idea of society has progressed.