[quote=@catchamber] Can you be more specific?[/quote] Well for one the dude started speaking right after he was born. Literally two seconds after being born he was capable of walking and speaking. Truly a gifted mastermind. Also, he seemingly possessed Hashirama Senju's mokuton because in his place lotuses grew where ever he stepped foot. [quote] If I didn't know any better, I'd say that it sounds like you're getting jealous at the thought of being rendered obsolete by a sexbot with a chocolate flavored dick that ejaculates money. [/quote] I'd be jealous if women had any meaning to me but alas they are glorified sex objects that men have seen fit to raise into 'humanhood' by uplifting them from being beings that exist for our pleasure to something 'equal' (whatever that may mean). I'd like to purchase one of these robots though, for I too would like to have an automatic free money dispenser. If all I have to do is choke down on some robo-dick I'm all for it, 5 bucks is 5 bucks damn. [quote=@SleepingSilence] Just read that again. :I You couldn't have watched in one minute and it also isn't a prank. It agrees with both of our statements that men and women shouldn't (and don't) get offended by complements, but the video is debunking the progressive cat-calling video that people took seriously. [/quote] hey i know ur a cute girl :) ur like rly good at games [i]for a girl!!![/i] pls ad me as friend bc i like talk to girl :) bye!!!!!!!!!!!